Screen recording software such as OBS, or Bandicam to record the screen or to do a voiceover. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! Spam, by definition, is irrelevant or unsolicited messages. You can use Discord's built-in Raid Protection, reporting, and moderation tools or go further by requiring higher levels of verification and reducing basic permissions for new members. *Gaius can apply same blacklist/whitelist to names as messages or only filter based on items in the blacklist tagged %name**YAGPDB can use configured word-list filters OR a regex filter. By following these guidelines, Moderators can create an inviting atmosphere for all members while ensuring that rules within the server are followed appropriately. Allows you to put multiple fields in the same row, rather than having one per row. The best way to do this is by actively participating in conversations with other members and showing them your interest in being part of the community. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! Check out the credits for acknowledgments. It also includes being helpful and friendly towards newcomers, responding to questions quickly and accurately, following all rules set by mods or admins, and engaging with conversations between members. Moderators and Admins then choose a time limit for the time out and provides a reason for the time out. The description talks about the importance of moderators and how the Discord Moderator Academy works. Mostly used with the thumbnail, icon and author elements in order to link to an image. In addition, total engagement on your other channels may grow at a slower pace. Users may joke about this topic, and mean no real harm. Knowing who's running things allows moderators to get support from them whenever needed. First, make sure your profile reflects the kind of person who would be well-suited for a discord moderator job. Once accepted into the program, review all available resources related to moderation duties and work diligently at keeping peace within your assigned communities! Additionally, it is important to make sure your profile has a recognizable image or avatar as well as a custom username so others know who you are. In the Basics section, youll learn how to build and moderate a community. In this respect, some anti-spam filters can act simultaneously as Fast Messages and Repeated Text filters.Sometimes, spam may happen too quickly for a bot to catch up. If conflicts arise between individuals, make sure they get resolved as quickly as possible by mediating any disagreements politely but firmly. Youll also see that the percent of people that visit more than 3 channels increases as they explore the server and follow verification instructions, and that percent talked may increase if people need to type a verification command.However, in exchange you can expect to see server leaves increase. Moderator bots can prevent or weaken raids too. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. Username filtering is less important than other forms of auto moderation, when choosing which bot(s) to use for your auto moderation needs, this should typically be considered last, since users with unsavory usernames can just be nicknamed in order to hide their actual username. Communication software such as Slack, TeamSpeak or Zoom to have meetings with the team. Members remain on your server after joining, decreasing server leaves over time from new members, Members are more likely to want to engage with your server prior to joining, and will be more likely to talk or visit multiple channels. The perfect combination should include activities, people, topics, management, and structure - all tailored together nicely within a single place. No authentication that data sent to webhook is from a trusted source. For this reason, its also important a robust filter also contains whitelisting options. Is the community generally friendly and respectful? Hi! In this section, youll learn how to make use of Discords features to manage your moderation processes and your team. I have been on discord since June 24th, 2019 and since That includes, but is not limited to, obscene behavior in both your messages and Discord profile: your picture, username, status, and linked socials are globally visible. After youve provided your contact information, you need to complete a multiple-choice section. bbnoflus#8427; Moderators ; Discord ID: 592798532772298757; How do i contact? It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities. Users will be subject to the server verification level until they verify. The Discord Moderation Discord is a community of moderators that share their knowledge and support one another. Lastly, never forget about your responsibilities as a moderator; maintain proper conduct when dealing with users on the platform while ensuring all rules and regulations are followed. Moderators are at the forefront of creating spaces where people feel safe and can find belonging. This means following best practices, such as providing clear rules and guidelines to users, actively watching conversations to ensure they remain on-topic, responding quickly to any violations of the rules, and facilitating a fun environment for all participants. For our example we shall Before submitting your discord moderator application, ask yourself questions such as: It is also beneficial to consider any prior experience or qualifications which may help make your application more attractive. Adding or promoting an invite link on a relevant traffic source will increase server growth, Improving the overall quality of referrers will attract people that are more likely to stay on your server and engage with your community, Enabling or adjusting the Welcome Screen will guide users to the right introduction channels and encourage engagement, Streamlining the channel and role structure will make the server less overwhelming to new users and encourage participatio, Implementing a news feed announcement channels with role notifications will encourage people to check the announcement channel regularly, Implementing community engagement campaigns will improve activity. Take the Discord Moderator Academy Exam here: Furthermore, this will complicate the interpretation of your welcome screen metrics, as the welcome screen will need to be used to help people primarily follow the verification process as opposed to visiting many channels in your server. With its growing popularity, more and more people are looking into becoming a Discord Moderator. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. Expert moderators face challenges too! Introduction. I have been on discord since June 24th, 2019 and since It is your job as a moderator to communicate with those involved to determine if a user is truly in danger. They have broad administrative control, and can bring in moderators to manage community members. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. Moderator bots can prevent or weaken raids too. Adds the author block to the embed, always located at the top of the embed. Users will not be subject to the server verification level on joining, but will be after they verify. To get a Discord moderator badge, you must first study the Discord Moderator Academy. Have you been a successful leader or manager before? bbnoflus#8427; Moderators ; Discord ID: 592798532772298757; How do i contact? Moderators and Admins can right-click on the offending users name bringing up the Profile Context Menu, from there the moderator can select to put the user in time out: 2. If any of the following: Mentions, Links, Invites, Emoji, and Newline Text are spammed repeatedly in one message or spammed repeatedly across several messages, they will provoke most Repeated Text and Fast Messages filters appropriately. You must add bbnoflus#8427 on discord and message them regarding their job listing. Moderators also have the ability to ban members, mute users, and delete messages. Do not evade user blocks or server bans. Be sure to stay up-to-date with changes made to the platform so that you can better understand what actions should or should not be taken when dealing with rule violations. Sometimes, bots and webhooks work their best when working together. Learn how to use basic chat commands such as muting and banning users, setting channel permissions, etc., so that you can moderate efficiently. Here are some of the most important ones you need to know:An important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. It has many features, including a game mode for if youre livestreaming so you dont show private information, voice chat, emotes (if thats your thing), and a lot of other features useful for gamers. It also helps make sure that everyone involved understands why certain actions were taken or not taken. It involves managing the server and making sure that everything runs smoothly, as well as providing helpful advice to members of your community. WebModerators are seen as role models for the server. WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. This ensures that moderation tasks will stay manageable. Scroll down the page until you reach the curriculum. While many servers will use catch-all filters to make sure links stay in specific channels, some links will always be malicious. Even if youve passed the Discord Moderator Academy Exam, youre not guaranteed to get it. Youll need to be evaluated based on your skills first. These individuals are very salty and mostly annoying. Some bots even provide an embed visualizer within their dashboards. Becoming a Discord moderator requires that you learn the rules and guidelines for moderation. Understanding the different types of roles that can be assigned within servers, including administrative roles, user-based roles and bots. By doing this, you will demonstrate your commitment and willingness to learn more about becoming an effective moderator which gives you an edge over other applicants when applying for those coveted positions. WebDiscord's commitment to a safe and trusted experience Helping your teen stay safe on Discord Talking about online safety with your teen Answering parents' and educators' top questions If your teen encounters an issue Working with CARU to protect users on Discord They can also ban or remove members and, if necessary, remove and replace moderators. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. *Unconfigurable, triggers raid prevention based on user joins & damage prevention based on humanly impossible user activity.