These run you 80pts for a minimum squad of 10, and theyre fast, ObSec and can use Blinding Venom to tank through a combat an opponent undercommits to. The Hive Mind shows a remarkably fourth-wall-breaking ability to adapt tochanges in Warhammer 40,000s ninth edition, taking advantage of Monsters ability to fire Heavy weapons on the move to up-gun several of its larger Assault weapons. Old One Eye is your only non-synapse choice here, the biggest boss Carnifex, and still an utter nightmare. It does mean that after next weeks Balance Dataslate (hopefully) takes the existing leaders down a peg were probably due some spicy Tyranid win rates for a few months (or habanero turbo spicy if Crusher stays), but bringing things in line will be pretty doable. Feeding so many hungry mouths can be a challenge. Finally, if the enemy warlord is brutally eaten, you get another three bonus VP. That isnt everything this vile beast can offer your forces, either. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! Maleceptor, Psychic Scream, Catalyst 170 In some ways that may not actually be the worst thing in the world, as a lot of what will be needed is just some point increases, which isnt hard. The first effect is very strong, and being able to send it via a link gives quite a bit of flexibility. Whether you want to dominate the Shooting, Psychic or Fight phases this book has got the bug for you, with plenty of potent tools for powering them up, including strong army-wide buffs from the new Synaptic Imperatives. For example, if a Hive Tyrant wants to use a Synaptic Link ability, and has a Zoanthrope within 12 of it, then it can pick a target thats either within 12 of itself or within 12 of that Zoanthrope. There are big rewards for those who pack their army with a wide rangeSYNAPSEcreatures, and who can pick the right moment to trigger their Imperatives. Imperial Guard codex was released as part of the Cadia Stands! Astra Militarum army set on November 25, 2022, after a two-week pre-order period. TheGrey KnightsandThousand Sonswent up for pre-order on GWs webstore in August 2021, in both standard and collectors edition variants. [1] Background The Tyranid hive fleets are rapacious alien swarms that flow from beyond the galactic fringe to devour all life. Tyranids get a drop pod in the form of the Tyrannocyte, a beefy affair that stays mobile after landing, brings some guns of its own (though only at BS5+) and can either bring in a lot of small infantry, up to six medium infantry models, or one monster of 16W or less. Plenty of the Hive Fleet Warlord Traits are good, but none of them except Kraken (and some of the Leviathan Supplement ones) scream out as must takes, so youre certainly in the market for some good generic traits. The Parasites clawed limbs can rip enemies to shreds, but just wait until you see what it can do with its barbed ovipositor thats that pointy bit it uses to lay eggs, just in case youre not familiar with Ordo Xenos lingo. The codex released alongside revamped, plastic Khorne Berzerkermodelsand a spectacular new model for the World Eaters primarch, Angron. The 9th editionAdeptus Custodescodexwent up for pre-order on Saturday, January 8, 2022, and was released a week later on Saturday, January 15. If every unit from your army has theHIVE TENDRILkeyword, and they all come from the same Hive Fleet,* then at the start of each battle round you can choose to activate one Synaptic Imperative. Tyranid armies have always been guided by powerfulSYNAPSEcreatures, living psychic relays for the Hive Minds control but these vital beasties are now packing a set of all-new powers known asSynaptic Imperatives. The Tervigon is conceptually awesome, but never really got there in 8th. At that point, youre quite likely to be safer planning around Teleport Homers instead. Also on that theme Deathleaper (whois an upgraded Lictor). Now its out in the wild, and includes a multitude of datasheets, Strategems, Relics, Warlord Traits, and more for the most fastidious enforcers of Imperial might. Add the Alien Cunning warlord trait for ObSec and counting as 5 models for control, and youve got an incredible bargain for 95pts that will give opponents fits. Like a lot of other traits, this could come in handy but its not strong enough that youre not going to eye some of the other potential Hunt and Feed traits you can swap for before the start of a match. Primaris Kevin: Hive Nexus is an amazing power that offers a ton of flexibility. This definitely improves the chances of getting where you need to be, but theres very little access to advance and charge now so its mostly used for those turns where positioning is key. 10 Gargoyles 80, Elites This huge flying gribbly first encountered on the planet of Mortrex was originally mentioned in the 5th edition Tyranid codex, and Crusade rules have allowed Tyranid characters to mimic its horrifying implant attack but nothing compares to the real deal. The standalone Astra Militarum codex released a week Saturday, January 28. Personally, I want the big summer 2023 release to be the Old World, given that it's the 40th anniversary of WHFB. Gunum: Its no secret I love Nids. Rounding out the stuff to talk about we have some standard 9th Edition fare extra relics, extra traits, and a way to manipulate your army wide mechanic. Keep checking on the Warhammer Community site as we delve even deeper into the unknowable machinations of the Hive Mind. Im big on defensive deployment, so while also covering most of the army in a -1 to hit bubble, having both your heavy hitters being untargetable is an easy sell for me. Being able to push out your Synaptic Link range without risking your more valuable bugs is super useful, and extra durability never hurts. Codex: Chaos Knights was first available for pre-order on 14 May, 2022, as part of a Chaos Knights codex army set. ++1x Venom Cannon For the fleets unique components, One Step Ahead is completely changed and is now the only ability in the codex to regenerate CP when your opponent uses a stratagem. The psychic power also leans into this, though is probably going to feel like a downgrade for anyone used to the old excesses Symbiostorm is now just a simple, clean +1S for shooting attacks. In just two weeks, the planet had been overrun by a chittering carpet of teeth and claws,* and it was soon rendered a lifeless ball of dust. Not being able to take these on Characters is surprisingly restrictive (though relics give you plenty of ways of making those nasty) but some of these are pretty aggressively costed, and youre likely to include several of them. The idea of having a Broodlord and Genestealer immediately encroaching on enemy turf is certainly cool, but the unit is just outshone by the other choices. This contained two new models for the Chaos Knights faction, the Knight Abominant and savage War Dog miniaturesrounding out a previously limited roster. As a reminder youre only allowed one model with the HIVE TYRANT keyword (including The Swarmlord) per detachment. save. We include affiliate links in articles. There werent manybrand new Nids miniatures leading up to the launch, with the notable exception of the bat-winged Parasite of Mortrex. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Hive Guard are sadly joining Dark Reapers in the prison for units that were too good in 8th Edition. Who knows, maybe theyll help you curry favour with the Omnissiah. They have a whole bunch of weapon options, essentially anything from the Warrior datasheet, and end up as a decent but entirely skippable model pretty much however you go. It is 64 pages long, and includes juicy Deathwatch-specific lore content and special ruleson mixing Kill Teams with different specialisations. Theyre also way harder to deal with in melee: theyre -1 to hit, and if you choose the Biostatic Rattle as their tail upgrade option (and you should, every time, no contest) they get to roll 3d6 against the Ld of one unit in Engagement Range and shut off their hit and wound re-rolls if they beat it. ++Monstrous Bonesword and Lashwhip A shadow hangs over the galaxy in Warhammer 40,000, the shadow of the Hive Fleets. TheGrey Knights and Thousand Sonsreleased in August 2021, followed by a standalone release of the Orks codex in September. Its also good with the new Trampling Charge stratagem for Mortals on the Charge, which really helps ensure that there are no opponents left if you dont want there to be. We really dont want to spend the whole review of this new book talking about how Crusher Stampede pushes every single datasheet and ability all the way to 11, and theres almost no need to just jam together Hive Tyrants, Maleceptors, Harpies and Carnifexes and go wild, it really doesnt take much more thought then that. Exocrine. A general trend in this book is that Monsters have had big tuneups. People! ++Powers: Psychic Scream, Maleceptor 170pts You can grab yourself a copy from theGW webstore now. Dimensions. Theyre less directly dangerous in a fight, as their claws are only D1, but they have a mighty 16 attacks, so can scythe through infantry, and have a couple of mortal tricks. All nice, though they are also twice the price. Take note that these combo very well with Encircle The Prey to allow for an action that completes at the end of your turn and then they leave the table (because you get to chose the order of events). 40K: Looking Towards 9th Edition Tyranids. The monstrousCodex: Tyranidsis on the way, so its time to grab your rubber gloves and cut through the chitin to study its pulsating, rules-filled heart. Primaris Kevin: Synaptic Imperative is also really good from the perspective of game management and mental load. ++Relic: Chameleonic Mutation For the digestion of the Hive Mind, may it gain knowledge. It feels like any custom fleet is very likely going to be built from Hunt and Lurk, and access to these is generally useful for Hyper Adaptation purposes (and all fleets have access to at least one of the two). Bear in mind that you can declare this on your first turn so that the Mawloc can arrive turn 2, so youre not really losing anything other than some mild restrictions on where you can appear by doing so. As the title fighters for the new edition, Codex: Necrons and Codex: Space Marines were released before Christmas 2020, along with the Codex Supplements for the Blood Angels, Deathwatch, and Space Wolves. Two giant worms to start us off here the Trygon and Mawloc. There are fundamental changes to the latest evolutions of these biomorphic fiends from the old versions you once knew. The Hive Mind has been hard at work sprucing up its smaller beasties withstronger gunsandfaster, tougher bodies, and now its moving onto the big lads. New rules in this latest codex include the powerful Harbingers of Dreaddebuffs, and the option to dedicate your mighty mechs to one of the chaos gods, getting their keyword and a gnarly new ability as thanks for your service. Giving a Hive Tyrant Obsec can be both defensive and offense. Its debilitating cloud of hurt renders enemies useless in combat, slow to strike back and unable to hit even when they do, but wont even tickle yourHormagaunts theyve probably smelled worse deodorant inside the Hive Fleets locker rooms.**. This should certainly have games where its relevant, though its still far from universal a glance around the top metagame reveals Custodes, who dont have unit champions, Tau, where good luck successfully catching and eating them, and very probably Tyranid mirrors, where again there are no champions.