Some of my pipe smoking brethren seem to really enjoy this tobacco. The taste is somewhat blah and undistinguished but the overall strength of the blend is immediate from puff one and the nicotine hit too major for my tastes. This my first SG tobacco but not my first flake. A nice change of pace from more refined Virginias, but not compelling. This tobacco is not for the novice for first time pipe smoker. Smoking Frequency: Weekdays - 3 to 4 pipes per day. It reminds me well, of bracken! Unlike SG's FVF where I prefer to smoke the flakes whole,the Bracken smokes better for me if I rub it out well.Upon lighting, the fire-cured and a hint of the topping work nicely together to deliver a somewhat sweet but stout smoke,after the first third of the bowl the topping gives way to the burley,and the taste becomes a little creamier and fuller.Its at this point if I puff too fast my tongue gets peppered with nicotine and an unpleasant hot sauce taste,easily remidied by slowing down. At first smoke it was a tobacco I wanted to take back even thought I knew I'd have to fight my only decent tobacconist. Samuel Gawith Black XX Finest Kendal Twist, Samuel Gawith Brown No. Also, it burns the hell out of you if you inhale it through your nose. just watch out. Though, to again quote the email, it has been "permanently" removed from their inventory). There is not a pipe tobacco company currently, or past, that epitomizes the word tradition more so than Samuel Gawith, with its recipes dating back to almost a decade before 1800. Not the typical hay/grass Virginia smell at all, but not Lakeland soap either. McClelland's Dark Star (tinned) and dark navy flake (bulk) are milder in comparison. The tin obviously had some age already, with some nice sugar crystals. Company No. Flakes of this color I find artistically beautiful (hey, art is whatever anyone says it is!). I will venture a guess that the name, Bracken Flake, comes from Bracken Co., Kentucky, USA, the birthplace of White Burley and still the home of all things Burley tobacco. I just got out of church, where I sing in the choir. The tin aroma seemed slightly sweet & tangy but is hard for me to discribe. This is a dark flake, somewhat thin with a nice earthy smell to it. The bowl settled down to an easy,strong and unflavorfull smoke.The tobacco burned dry to the bottom leaving a grey ash. I don't understand some of the other reviewers saying that they get vanilla and menthol and stuff like that. Where 1792's tonquin topping is over the top and Sam's Flake is too light to be noticed, Bracken Flake's topping shines. Love it a lot, great stuff and should appeal to those of you who do enjoy a strong spicy stogie now and again. The tobacco was too moist in all three tins. Join our email list to receive product updates, discounts & more! Bracken Flake is dark brown with hints of gold in it. Medium to strong in body and nic. HmmBracken Flake. I have read from other reviews due to the lack of selected tobacco or due to the scarcity of the essence used. A first light is brings billows of rich white smoke, followed with a brief visit of the tamper and then a tamping light. Even with the right moisture content I usually need to relight 2-3 times after the initial light. Hard as you might tug on this tobacco there is no bite. Very dark and rich, monochromatic and powerful, but not bitter or over the top. Those who love Virginia & Burley Flakes with full body and big flavor like Walnut Flake and St.Bruno Flake may like Bracken Flake as well. The only drawback for me is that it is the only tobacco where I have to have a glass of water on hand, because it inevitably starts to tickle the back of my throat and will give me the hiccups if I don't drink a little water when smoking it. Smoky, earthy, leathery and mildly fruity and sweet with a topping I find very pleasing. The tin I had contained tobacco needing time to dry before smoking. Once you get it lite it's quite good. I will say however that this weed is not quite as unforgiving as 1792, nor as rich. As for the strenght noted by other reviewers, since i smoked it in a rather small bowl, i didnt feel it at all (and i am no nicotine heavyweight). I am tickled that many out there just don't get this flake. Samuel Gawith once again show how an ostensibly simple base blend can be made so much more than the sum of its parts. When smoked gently this stuff blossoms for me and developes gently as the tobacco is consumed. That tradition continues today and it's evident in every bowl. Too bad there aren't more good tobacconists around here.or that I don't have the money to open up a shop. Kendall Cream Flake. The company originated in 1792 with Thomas Harrison, who was a notable and popular maker of snuff tobacco. I wish the flakes came unbroken, because the larger pieces, folded like whole flake, smoke better than the smaller pieces. This also allowed the slight smokiness of Bracken to shine (a dry smoke, peperry smoke, not campfire-ish), due to the DFK i suppose (at this moment i was reminded a bit of MacBaren Old Dark Fired). Requires a fair number of relights, and leaves a little dampness in the bowl. I picture a lone arthritic old man who should have retired twenty years ago doing his best to meet his onerous quotas, slicing as quick as he can on his clunky Victorian machine in some Dickensian stone cellar. I miss the nuances of the flavors. Type at least 3 characters for suggestions (Hit enter to search). I was provided this from a friend in our small local pipe club to sample. By mid-bowl the fragrant topping is pretty well gone and the Kentucky leaf is coming into its own. When ready to load my third bowl, I had an epiphany (soft of like gas but not the same) - maybe the guys I read about that open tobacco and let it dry know something I don't. Mid Bowl: Approaching mid-bowl, the fullness tends to build and while I wouldn?t call this mixture particularly complex, the topping or casing gradually fade completely into the background but never leave the scene. I promised my wife I'd quit before she got home from work and I don't want to expose her to it being pregnant and all. Bracken Flake is almost black. If I could consistently acquire this, I would smoke this morning, noon, and night. Samuel Gawith produces a variety of snuffs, from the very light and fine to dark, coarse and moist, perfumed, mentholated, or plain old "tobacco-ey", we suggest you pursue your nose, smell out a few good choices and have a pinch. Drying a tobacco out wont make it harsh. Mechanics: Samuel Gawith and their flakes, one never knows what to expect (a feature I actually really enjoy). I find this reminds me more of the various black rope tobaccos than of 1792. Frankly, the "soapy" taste leaves me cold. Taste: The strong vanilla-bitter medicine flavor of the tonquin bean is immediately present and dominates the flavor profile. You must be of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories on this site. The amount in USD and EUR can vary as the exchange rate changes. Lurking in and out you get a periodic Virginia tang. The only thing I have to compare this to is the Brown No. I can only recommend it to people looking for strong experiences with their pipes. Hic cups may follow if smoked in a large bowl. In a small Stanwell. Black XX was 17.00 a 50g tin. Flavor Profile Brand Samuel Gawith This damn flake makes me nauseated just as 1792 does. Picture this, you are strolling down a beach, you reach into your pocket, and , In 2022, a key component of any product is customisation. I don't know how else to explain it: details are much easier to see when colors are bright, whereas they must be hunted for in a dark composition. The smoke is tasty, albeit somewhat monochromatic, but in a fashion I enjoy. Published on 12 Jan 2019 2 Comments It's a crisp January morning. A bit hard to light staight from the tin, so let it dry out a bit by leaving the tin open over night. Samuel Gawith are still famous for producing some of the best and most popular pipe tobaccos in the world. This turn of events might be due to the fact that its pretty dried out. That long used essence is noticeable throughout the bowl. I won't give Bracken 4 stars as I feel it is inferior to the likes of FVF and 1792 but I find it quite enjoyable and will continue to keep it in my Lakeland rotation as it just agrees with my palate. I wasn't quite expecting this. Been smoking my pipe less and less lately. The slight casing aroma is barely noticeable in the tin and almost totally fades away when smoking. This wasn't bad however, the taste was just OK to me. I wouldn't mind a few tins of a few SG blends myself. A dark colored flake with a tin aroma akin to Copenhagen dip. Like most Gawith flakes, I love the presentation. It's like no other flake I know. Created with Sketch . 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. I tried Bracken Flake a long time ago, early in my life as a pipe smoker. Mint? If only this came in a "lite" version. Samuel Gawith was the son-in-law of Thomas Harrison, a snuff manufacturer who moved his trade and equipment to Kendal, Cumbria, England from Scotland in 1792. I would largely agree with a former employee of Knox Cigar in this regard that this is essentially 1792 without the tonquin. Email Rich at, he put some aside for you the next time it arrives, he's a good guy. 11/22 Update - I've never been called a quitter and I haven't quoted on the weed yet. Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Westmorland Slices. I like navy style with the rum and they are the few blends that allow a topping to help the blend. Worth a try. Don't try this tobacco after a strong earthy one like 1792; the subtle flavors are lost and it tastes just like a mild 1792. If you find a tin around, buy it and try it. The stuff smells awful: heavy, sweet, and medicinal. . A tobacco that should be stocked up on as age can do incredible things to the flavor of this spectacular blend. Just enough to make the aroma very nice. If you like cigars, there are many better than this, and it does have a lot of nicotine in it, which I visit once a year because it's discontinued and I just want to think of it as a kind of baroque classical music. There is no way this is likely to bite but its no shrinking violet either. In the end, the only change is that the flavoring is more prominent. Age When Smoked: However long it's been at the store. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Even after drying this out it had no real significant taste,though it did smell like an out house that had caught on fire. We are committed to providing our services only to people who are of the proper age, and to protecting our youth as best as we possibly can. You must be 21 years or older to buy our products in accordance with current FDA regulations. They are both delicious in their own way. Not the same, but with some similarities. Pipe Used: Falcons, Briars, nothing too fancy. It came across to me as some sort of spicy, peppery, syrup flavor. If I had to guess I would say the base tobaccos are the same, but the topping is very different. Flavour and nicotine are both definitely plentiful. I cannot put my finger on this one. I did get a bit of tongue bite from it. Part of it could be the age difference of the tins (fresh with the 1792, years with the Bracken), but the Bracken is deeper, richer, and earthier. It is earthy, a little sweet and slightly spicy. Samuel Gawith produces a variety of snuffs, from the very light and fine to dark, coarse and moist, perfumed, mentholated, or plain old "tobacco-ey", we suggest you pursue your nose, smell out a few good choices and have a pinch. Seems that nothing much has changed in the cellaring. Update: If you want to know what SG brown rope tastes like without having to fuss preparing the rope for pipe smoking, try Bracken Flake. A lot of people say this is just 1792 with a different topping but I strongly disagree. Ive heard its the less aromatic little brother of 1792 Flake. It must be a Virginia/Burley mix. I really wish this came in a light version, just too much for me. It is one of the few that sometimes benefit from judiciously dumping the ashes from the first half of the bowl in order to re-invigorate the last 3rd. A first class smoke in every respect. Halfway down, the taste becomes stronger and tastes almost like a Tootsie Roll. Rose you say? A tobacco that should be stocked up on as age can do incredible things to the flavor of this spectacular blend. Braken Flake is an old fashioned fire cured tobacco, best as an evening blend for a small pipe. It's not sweet (at least not overtly), it's not bitter (at least not overtly), it's not musty, nor like decaying flowers (at least not overtly), it's just dark, like some exquisite subtle liquour the essence of terra. It rubbed out easily, and packed nicely. I have lately been exploring Lakeland Scented Flakes, and this one was high on the ?to try? Not perfectly cut and portioned flakes as with others. However, I do not like Bracken Flake. It is good for starting to day. Cause They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore. I'm tasting Bracken, a cigar with a flavor that's like coming to a temple in India. This is a bit heavy for an early in the day smoke but makes a great after dinner puff. And then we have a smoke which is dark, deep and rich. EDIT: Since falling head over heels in love with Kendal Cream in the tin I purchased a pound in bulk and what a difference the bulk was compared to the tin. Don't wanna pop my Full Virginia flake unless I have/can get another tin. Appearance: A mostly black with some brown and tan mottling leathery flake of varying thickness. Don't know what it is made of, don't know what it is flavored with, and can't figure out what the heck it tastes like. Samuel Gawith has been producing world famous pipe tobacco for over 200 years, which are full of strength and mellow flavours. Appearance: Dark brown to black with brownish streaks, a moderately densely pressed 6" flake, topping is evident. After proper preparations it is a dry and biteless smoke that will require some relights. The best thing about BF is the combination of strength and sweetness without being cloying or overwhelming (this will be a matter of personal preference of course). Black, broken tarry flakes with minute crystals. Gawith inherited this equipment from Harrison, and the company has been crafting premium tobacco since, with one of Samuel's two sons continuing the brand while the other joined with Henry Hoggarth to establish Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. So why 4 stars? Samuel Gawith 1792 Dark Flake Pipe Tobacco 250g Box. It's like 1792 minus the strong tonquin topping, then infused with this essence of earth. Monochromatic, if not for the spice. However Pipes and accessories are allowed. As the bowl progresses these flavors all intermingle in a simple yet intriguing way. The topping on this beast is very unique and hard to pinpoint but I definitely pick up on some rose. For me, seems to gurgle a bit. I have to relite several times in the course of a bowl, but that is no big deal, as the smoke is very pleasant and sweet. (Is there a hint of talcum, as Beer astutely noticed?) The nicotine is just too much. The operative word is strong. Samuel Gawith Pipe Tobacco (Est. I bought a tin of this blend, not knowing what I had signed up for. The after taste pleasantly lingers a bit, and the room note is pervasive. Read more. Lastly, I had trouble keeping this stuff lit and producing an acceptable amount of smoke. Use the filters and the search function to enhance your experience We sell tobacco and tobacco-related items. All in all, I found it to be an excellent flake for those who enjoy BIG flavor from their tobaccos. When you buy for more than 2000 DKK (270 Euro or approx. Bracken smokes best in a medium to large bowl and not finely rubbed out. In fact, the color is very much like Stonehaven, as is the full, not-biting creamy body, though the taste is of course different. Or blowing away from your nose for that matter. It comes quite moist & needs to be dried out for a while. It would serve well in this way. Samuel Gawith Savinelli Seattle Pipe Club Semois by Manil Sheesha Signature Series by Per Georg Jensen Sillems Solani Standard Tobacco Stanwell Stokkebye Super Value Sutliff Sutliff BULK tobacco Svenborg Traditional/Miscellaneous Two Friends Vauen Villiger W.O. Ho-hum. I is very full bodied and strong, yet it does not give any tongue bite at all, and does not produce a lot of smoke. We have been in the business for many years and our care and adherence to tradition guaran I taste the topping on the back of my palate but, surprisingly, it is not nearly as strong as the tin aroma smells. I wish I knew. I found that drying it under a bright light for 15-45 minutes or so until it's a little stiff (but not brittle) brought it to life. That tradition continues today and its evident in every bowl. Need to contact the B&B Team? The tin note from the ''long used essence'' truly reminds me of star anise, and the whole aroma reminds me of a particular kind of chinese stew with beef/potatoes/carrots whose whole flavor profile revolves around this spicy/sweet accord between ginger, sugar, anise and cinamon. Imagine tobacco with no flavor..just strong and really unpleasant. After most of my first tin (and more tins shall follow), I can make out the chocolate/aniseed flavouring. Once the Virginias kick in, this stuff becomes pretty delicious. I did not expect to like it, but was pleasantly surprised. I am pleasantly surprised at its consistant fullness and love the 'plain jane' feel of the smoke. Ive had this in my cellar for over a decade now. There was a mild fruitiness but I did not get the dark chocolate others have mentioned. Taste: The scent of of the tobacco is that of an autumn forest; wet earth and moss, decaying leaves and a pine-like odour from the topping. No bite what so ever. This is a sipping tobacco, and as a true Gawith flake it smokes long. Think I'm gonna YAK! It is too strongly flavoured. There is a definite layer of sweetness which seems like virginias working, but also a dryer, "smokier" effect, ala latakia. This was a very satisfying smoke, and it seems to favor the tapered bowl in an African meer Dublin. 24.30 Samuel Gawith Sams Flake Pipe Tobacco. There is enough to maintain interest and not so much going on that you are distracted by it. This tobacco, when crumbling apart, becomes sticky and leaves a brown residue on your hands. Damn, you are in Toronto too. Rather, the Kentucky is a bit temperamental and can be over-puffed to the point of extreme bitterness. Too bad, I've liked everything else I've tried. Definitely not for the first timer. As I have understood it this blend was discontinued because of a shortage of the leaf required, but if that is the case how come 1792 and Lakeland Dark are still in production? Gretchen doesn't run away when I smoke it. This is still a high quality tobacco that will be suited to full flavor smokers. I love a good traditional English flake. Samuel Gawith Pipe Tobacco (Est. Appearance: Small flake, with some broken, and some whole. Free shipping! Perhaps this has some orientals giving rise to this whisper underlying and playing off the sweetness? I enjoyed this tobacco more with every bowl. Perfectly balanced flue & dark fired tobaccos of the highest quality. Yes rose, as in Greek Rose Petal preserves (not a regular on many an American table). I am no beginner, however, and it got to me, so be forewarned about the nicotine, and do not try to smoke this in a huge Autograph or Danish freehand, unless someone around you knows how to administer CPR. Some have criticized the look of the flake, uneven, thick/thin torn. As someone else here as correctly stated "this is for lumberjacks". Quick Specs View. I loved the flavor of this flake and it would have been a keeper but it made me ill, strong flake to be sure, but I'm not sure if it was the nicotine or the flavoring additives. Dark, dark tobacco. Some reviewers noted the inconsistent thickness of this flake from tin to tin: it seems i got a ''thick'' one. Samuel Gawith pipe tobaccos are some of our most popular blends, as they offer a different flavour for each smokers preference. Flakes break up fairly easily, but unevenly. SG's darker flakes in terms of strength are 1. full virginia flake (more of a toasted flavor than real dark), 2. It does get bitter toward the end, so follow kilted1's advice and smoke slowly. My fourth tin had a problem with mold. I rubbed out the flakes. A full strength, full flavored pipe tobacco. Take some time to allow the cool smudgy smoke to develop and One gets those delightful full flavors easily. I am convinced I don't like the taste of Tonquin. Has a good deal of strength that shouldn't leave anyone unsatisfied. If you aren't ready for a strong full bodied smoke then this one will be hard to enjoy. This could be an all dayer as opposed to the heaviness of 1792. You know, that earthy pleasant smell of decaying leaves and bracken glades in the woods. Samuel Gawith Perfection Mixture Pipe Tobacco. Under this I can smell leathery, earthy tobacco, with a bitter chocolate aroma. As with most Lake District flakes which come this moist, I like to rub it out right away before it dries, into a broken ribbon for easy packing. Great Stuff! It does not taste like one but acts like one at times, a good one. First of all I take theses dark brown and thick . In this regard, I think it's better than Bosun Cut Plug or Conniston Cut Plug. kind of a more interesting cigar flavour with a peppery finish. Thick, dry/moist flakes that you have to shake out quite a bit pack well with a light touch. Dark, stoved tobacco, in very handsome flakes. Lovers of stronger Lakeland style blends should have this one on the must try list. It might have been many years ago, when I enjoyed Gitanes cigarettes (the ones with the black tobacco). I love it. The pouch aroma is very rich, peaty and much like 1792. SG Flakes are the best in terms of preparation and smoking qualities, that all adds to the overall 4 star ranking I give Bracken Flake. Bracken is one of them. I detect the fruitiness in the topping when smelling the flake which is similar to cherry as well as anise. Try it in a clean quality pipe and toke gently. It doesn't lack strength in any department: strong nicotine, very full flavour, and an exceedingly strong room-note; not one to smoke in company. It seems that "our long national nightmare is over". I have tried Petertson's Irish Flake and that is what this reminds me of. This comparison really highlighted the ''fuller'' feel of Bracken Flake. I was devastated by the news, and am only now coming to terms with it. I think this blend is Gawith 1792 Flake with an added flavoring that has been substituted for the Tonquin in 1792. Less tonka and a more subtle blend in the topping, the tobacco is a little less potent and it's a little less sweet. The second pipeful was slightly less.I don't know the word for it. I love it when Gawith tells you something is flavored with a "long used essence." As I went through the tin the darker flavors receded leaving a creamy toasty flavor and more prominence to the topping, whatever it is. Will re-review if I can find it. The tins I have smoked needed to dry out. On to the review. Purchased From: Friend personal collection. The flakes are a beautiful dark brown, and the pouch note is earthy and a heavy sweet with a hint of fruit. Even after drying out it took more effort to get it going, and it did not stay lit as long.