By Rhaynukaa Soni. Other than a general improvement of health and safety, what specific reasons are there for this organization to learn lessons from incidents? Ensure safe handling and use of substances. Q. and time-bound (SMART) health and safety objectives. The risk assessment includes consideration of the highly toxic chemical, the release of which would be catastrophic for workers, as well as people in adjacent businesses, residential houses, and schools. Answer. You have a dual role as an experienced and respected Process Operator and a representative of workers at a large, high hazard site, run by an international chemical manufacturing organization. Both managers agree as the last health and safety committee meeting was over a year ago. He and his family may become a burden for society or the government. The health and safety committee now look at consultation within the company. The parking area is not sufficient to accommodate the number of cars. Why is Working at Height Covered on a NEBOSH General Certificate Course? Development of a schedule of top management safety tours. Must Visit : IOSH Managing Safely Exam Questions, Also check : IOSH Managing Safely Training Notes. Workers are going to work for the job and in return, they expect the monetary reward, this way they meet their and their familys needs. The organisation also takes pride in recording low accident and incident rates and investigating any near misses to learn lessons and prevent more serious outcomes. The working environment has all the ingredients that promote the negative safety culture in any organization. An expectation on the part of society, in general, those organizations will take reasonable care to ensure that the people and activities they manage do not harm other people or their property. Delict and tort differs from the law of contract. The contractors, who specialize in the tank modification method, are ready to start work having been issued with a permit-to-work. As an instrument setting out a promotional framework, this Convention is designed to provide for coherent and systematic treatment of occupational safety and health issues and to promote recognition of existing Conventions on occupational safety and health. I will suggest the contract manager and operation manager shall have a monthly meeting with their staff where they shall consult and discuss the safety issues. For instance, if the workers witness a sever injury, they may experience a psychological impact such as fear, anxiety, panic, shock, and post-traumatic stress disorder. 1 . Previous Chapter Next Chapter. These benefits are financial and non-financial, and the end of the day organization will have a positive impact on safety and business performance. I will discuss the issues and advise the management as follow. OTHM Level 6 diploma in occupational health and safety. Assessment Criteria for NEBOSH IG1 Element 1: Discuss the moral, financial and legal reasons for managing health and safety in the workplace. The management of safety is extremely poor and there are several unsafe practices, such as unsafe parking areas, the complacent approach of senior management, negative safety behavior of the workers, and ignorance of the importance of health and safety. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Task 2: Why near misses should be investigated. The organization is found to not conducting the risk assessment, risk assessment is the requirement set by the HSE regulation The health and safety at work act 1974 (HASWA). Please select the correct language below. The system will not produce the desired result until the active commitment of both the top managers. Another Moral Reason for managing safety is stated by Dr. Tony Boyle in his bookHealth and Safety: Risk Managementas. After taking the consent and commitment of the top management we can start the formal health and safety system, which will involve the management and the workers in health and safety. by JasonF938, Summarise the main health and safety duties of different groups of people at work. It show poor management of health and, some of the risks in the risk assessment are either relevant or not controlled. Non-committed management to health and safety. As per scenario description: From scenario, there have been no recorded accidents in the 10 years that the surgery has been operating, it indicate that there is no reporting system of accidents it is a very low moral in surgery. The repercussions of fires, accidents, and catastrophes are pervasive and have an impact on many people in various ways. This is your chance to boost your career and make your CV stand out. Precautions listed on the permit-to-work are also communicated to all. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. The principles laid down by the Court in this case still form the basis for establishing a duty of care under Scottish and English law.. Much of the law in this area has been developed by the Courts. In Scotland this area of the law is called Delict while in England, Wales and Northern Ireland it is called the law of Tort. However, the floodlights were not working at the time of the incident. The operations manager was less helpful and said that there was nothing to worry about and that this has been happening for years, but no one had ever been seriously hurt. The health and safety culture is negative or positive based on the above four elements that contribute forming of the health and safety culture of an organization. Near miss investigation will leave a positive impact on the overall health and safety culture of the organization. In your role as a health and safety advisor, you would like to improve health and safety because you take your responsibilities seriously and want to make the workplace safer for everyone. However, many of the general principles and the law of negligence is now more or less the same., Lets understand the same with an example:-, The authority for duty of care is the leading Scottish case of Donoghue v Stevenson 1932 SC (HL) 31. No one has assessed the risks in the car park. NEBOSH IGC 28 October 2020 SCENARIO. About 30 million workdays are missed annually due to accidents and illnesses related to the workplace. (5). Some companies will even be at risk of having to close if their sales revenue is reduced by a large amount as a consequence. What types of information should this review consider. From the given scenario, it is evident that the workplace is drastically deviating from the health and safety policy statement. No resource allocation to improve health and safety. I will refer to the number of legal violations in the organization that can lead to the prosecution of the top managers, accidents are a big cause of financial losses to the organizations. The organization is fully insured even though the premium is high. An outline of the events surrounding this case is set out below: By an action brought in the Court of Session the appellant, who was a shop assistant sought to recover damages from the respondent who was a manufacturer of aerated waters for injuries she suffered as a result of consuming part of the contents of a bottle of ginger-beer which had been manufactured by the respondent, and which contained the decomposed remains of a snail.. The organization listens to workers when they raise concerns and responds professionally to external customer complaints. Introducing Cram Folders! Proactively taking steps to prevent hazards, such as shutting down a machine which poses an immediate danger without waiting for permission or spending time finding and speaking to the manager (somebody else could come along and use the machine whilst they have left it unattended). However, the planned maintenance shutdown is 12-months away. In fact, they are not doing anything to prevent accidents and ill-health. (10) Note: The organization conducts frequent internal audits and is also externally audited. Also, no one listened to them or took any action. Q. "For the Management Standards approach to work it needs to be 'top lead and bottom . Required fields are marked *. The contracts manager has a reputation for being irritable and unapproachable, is only seen when arriving and leaving, and is occasionally abusive if interrupted. if you decide not to use this template, you will need to include the same. The organization is responsible to conduct the risk assessment of hazards posed by the workplace to protect the workers. The discussion/consultation results from these meetings shall be presented to the safety committee meeting for final decision making. The potential of occurring the major accident is high due to the above-mentioned reasons. The investigation will help in the following things. You have an idea what the problem is, but knowing the limits of your authority, you feel the issue should be escalated to someone more senior. The senior engineer is sent to the site to advise on, and manage, the changes that are needed to the tank; and on the day of arrival presents a solution to you. They think that because the near-misses arenot resulting in any injury or damage that is why they shall be ignored and not worth investigating. accidents it is a very low moral in surgery. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2023 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. This chapter seeks to justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments. Copyright 2019 | Oye Trade IT Division of SA International, Online COVID-19 Safe Workplace (Employee Training) Course, Download IOSH Managing Safely Exam Questions (Updated 2022), NEBOSH IGC Questions and Answers PDF (Updated JUL 2022), NCLEX Maternity Questions and Answers PDF 2022, NEBOSH Diploma Exam Questions Answers PDF IC 2022, NCLEX Pediatric Questions and Answers PDF, NEBOSH International Diploma Questions and Answers PDF - IA (Updated 2022). There is not any evidence of SMART objectives, workers and management seem to be unaware of such things that are called SMART objectives. The moral reason is based on the moral values that must be demonstrated by the employer for the wellbeing of the workers. There might be several hidden causes that we could not know until the near-miss incidents are investigated. Another Moral Reason for managing safety is stated by Dr. Tony Boyle in his book Health and Safety: Risk Management as "An expectation on the part of society, in general, those organizations will take reasonable care to ensure that the people and activities they manage do not harm other people or their property". Task 1: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety Question 1 In this task I will discuss moral reasons of managing health and safety in surgery. Aside from the legal obligations for providing health and safety training to workers and ensuring that any necessary protective equipment is provided and suitably maintained, many people will expect managers of a company to have a moral responsibility for safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees. These incidents are not causing the injury or damage by chance, otherwise, in a different condition, they could have caused major damage and injuries even death. This means if they meet such an accident, they have no reporting system which is the violation of the HSE regulation Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). Promoting Trust: By prioritizing health and safety, employers can build trust with employees and enhance their reputation in the community. The Safe Movement of People on NEBOSH General Certificate Courses, Studying for the NEBOSH General Certificate Assessment, The NEBOSH General Certificate and Conversion Courses, The NEBOSH General Certificate and Machinery Hazards, The NEBOSH General Certificate for Managers, The NEBOSH General Certificate for a Health and Safety Overview, Waste Management and the NEBOSH General Certificate. In delict or tort, these duties exist through the nature of the parties relationship regardless of the contractual obligations. I will not go on to describe how these three elements break down because in essence this is a NEBOSH module or IOSH session. Safety. The moral reason is based on the moral values that must be demonstrated by the employer for the wellbeing of the workers. The office has its own on-site car park, but spaces are sometimes limited. I will refer to the moral, legal, and financial reasons in favor of my argument, and make them understand why health and safety system is important in the organization. Management commitment and involvement have a positive impact on the health and safety culture of the working environment, and they must play their due role. This can happen over a remarkably short period of time thanks to the rise of instant social media messaging. Floodlights are mounted on the office wall facing the car park. foundations in health and safety element 1 the moral social and economic reasons for good standards of health and safety in the workplace element 2 contractors and other plant workers who may be affected. A motivated workforce has numerous benefits including: Less absenteeism. Based on the scenario only, comment on the current health and safety culture in the company.(10). Alternatively, please call us on 0844 800 3295. Answer. Organization do not have any incident accident reporting system, there is a high potential of having an accident in car parking, which can lead to a broken bone or fatal accident. shows the deficiency of morals in health and safety. (b) the precautions are reasonable, and the remaining risk is low. Did the breach cause damage or the loss to an individuals person or property? Their behavior and attitude toward health and safety reflect in the conduct of the workers. They also told you that there is no formal health and safety discussion between workers and managers. Your task is to improve the health and safety culture of the company. Near miss, accidents must be investigated to know the root causes so that we could prevent it causing damage to the vehicles and fatality to the pedestrian. Moral reasons for managing health and safety at the organisation. This includes those who have never had any health and safety training previously or experience in a health and safety job role. When it comes to health and safety in the workplace, many people will think that managers have all of the responsibility for keeping everyone safe from coming to harm through an accident, injury or occupational injury. In the given company it is highly important to improve the health and safety culture. Answers. The operation manager shall arrange the safety meetings and safety inspection in his area of operations. DOI link for The moral, financial and legal reasons for health and safety management, The moral, financial and legal reasons for health and safety management book. As per ILO OSH 2001, the organization shall provide a safe place of work, but here we see the parking is unsafe and a lot of accidents have happened in the parking. The independent site contact will also actively monitor and check additional expectations, such as contractor site entry and exit control, resolution of any queries, and the supervision standard. The working conditions show that a serious accident may happen at any time. You work in the head office, which is a two-story, 20 other office-based workers who administer construction contracts. Both the manager shall attend the safety committee meetings and support to solve the issues raised in the meetings. Introducing Cram Folders! These are the NEBOSH learning outcomes covered by this chapter: Justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments, Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors, Registered in England & Wales No. 3) For those temporary workers who are brought in as cover, there will be recruitment costs involved for finding and hiring them, as well as a rise in training expenditure as they will all need to be trained up in how to do the job, along with health and safety training for themselves in order to stay safe in what will be for them an unfamiliar workplace. Workers are going to work for the job and in return, they expect the monetary reward, this way they meet their and their family's needs. The management and the workers do not know in fact near-miss incidents are the tip of the iceberg. (5). NEBOSH IGC trainer is a dedicated playlist from ISTA's HSE where you can find series of NEBOSH IGC training videos step by step with graphical representations. Accident investigation will boost the morale and motivation of the workforce that will contribute to the increased production and job progress. Some of the items, such as business loss, may be uninsurable or too prohibitively expensive to insure. Reduced accidents and losses will reduce the financial expenses and wastages, which will save the profit of the company. Therefore, I must emphasize that senior management shall fulfill their moral obligation to improve workplace safety. For more than two hundred years, workers groups in the UK have organised themselves and campaigned for better working conditions and treatment from their employers. They decide to seek advice from the corporate management team to explore whether there is a different solution that would resolve the blockage problem, but keep production going. Workers are also behaving negatively to health and safety; they are not reporting the incident because they are not getting responses from management and they are afraid of being blamed. The impacts on the families and dependents of persons who sustain injuries or illnesses brought on by their jobs are less evident but no less significant. Accident investigation plays an important positive role in the improvement of the health and safety of the organization. 2022 BCF Group Limited. From the scenario we can imagine that the parking area looks a dangerous place, this area has a high potential of having an accident because of poorly and uncontrolled parked cars. (10). About Us | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap, NEBOSH General Certificate Pages and Articles. Due to the poor working conditions, the company may have two types of costs arising from unsafe working conditions. If you can successfully secure senior management commitment you should be able to show that: senior management are visibly demonstrating support and participating in communication activities; authority is being delegated to relevant groups, eg a steering group. Workers tell you that outside of daylight hours, lighting levels in the car park are poor. Based on the scenario only, what are the indicators of health and safety culture in the organization? HSE PROFESSIONALS 108 subscribers 112 views 1 month ago NEBOSH IGC1 this video is about Moral and. Management commitment and involvement have a positive impact on the health and safety culture of the working environment, and they must play their due role. The organization has a reputation for having a world-class health and safety culture, with many other industries . Again, no one had reported that these lights were not working. The management does not look committed to those what they have written in the policy. One of the main reasons for having health and safety in the workplace is a Moral reason. As per ILO OSH 2001, the organization shall provide a safe place of work, but here we see the parking is unsafe and a lot of accidents have happened in the parking. Dismiss . Whilst this involves a significant number of factors and they are the main proponents of health and safety in the workplace, employees and workers also have a significant role to play in maintaining a safe place of work for themselves and their fellow colleagues. Respect for life and dignity: Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and providing a safe and healthy work environment is a way of demonstrating this. Moral Argument. (DOSH, 2014). Fair Treatment: Providing a safe working environment ensures that all employees are treated fairly and equitably, regardless of their job duties or responsibilities. An effective health and safety management system can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. In my opinion, the problem lies in the top management, it looks both the top managers are not cohesive in their working relationship, contract manager is irritable and not accessible, and both are not positive about the health and safety requirement. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY, You are a newly appointed health and safety advisor for a construction company. NEBOSH IGC 1 Examiners Reports|Questions & Answers Element 4: Health and Safety Management Systems: Planning Question: Give two reasons, Read More NEBOSH IGC1 | Health & Safety Management Systems PlanningContinue, NEBOSH IGC 2 February 2022 Scenario A car showroom for an international car sales organisation is situated on an, Read More NEBOSH IGC 2 February 2022 Solved PaperContinue, Element 3: Health and Safety Management Systems: Organizing Question: Outline the health and safety roles & responsibilities of Directors, Read More NEBOSH IGC1 | Health & Safety Management Systems OrganizingContinue, Element 2: Health and Safety Management Systems: Policy Question: Describe the key features and appropriate content of an effective, Read More NEBOSH IGC1 | Health & Safety Management Systems PolicyContinue, NEBOSH IGC (International General Certificate) is an internationally recognized qualification in health and safety. Answer (1 of 3): Please think this through for yourself, I understand that you are learning but you need to think things through and not just be spoon fed information. Health And Safety In The Workplace. The workers representative must be included in the safety committee so that the workers participation will be ensured. Encourage the workers to report all types of incidents, without thinking of being blamed. The organization has a reputation for having a world-class health and safety culture, with many other industries using them as a benchmark. Some of the key aspects of Health and Safety legislation are; Prevention of workplace injuries by designing and organising effect and safe workplaces. The workers shall not come across with miserable life because of poor safety arrangement. The office has its own on-site car park, but spaces are sometimes limited. And all this will only result in the profit of the business and as we know the profit of business results in the profit or appraisals for the employees. The people who are immediately impacted by a fire or an accident at work are likely to suffer, which is the most evident outcome. The NEBOSH General Certificate will cover the foundations of health and safety, including discussing the moral, legal and financial reasons for providing health and safety training to staff members, not to mention creating and promoting a positive health and safety culture within the organisation. The regulatory authorities may some restrictions on the operation of the business, and organizations may face enforcement or legal actions against it. Unlike higher-level qualifications such as the NEBOSH National Diploma which is a degree-level qualification that relies upon those studying to already have a certain level of health and safety knowledge, the NEBOSH General Certificate course is suitable for anyone. This is perhaps noticeable in relation to environmental issues which were not even generally discussed twenty years ago.. Task 3: Effective health and safety policy arrangements. The NEBOSH General Certificate is suitable for managers and employees alike as it will provide everyone who attends and dedicates themselves to the learning with a detailed level of knowledge regarding health and safety matters and how to work in a manner which greatly reduces the probability of harm befalling themselves or others nearby. Copies of the policy are shown to the committee see below: This health and safety policy is a commitment to: Q. Although, in the UK there are generally good standards of workplace health and safety a lot of harm is still caused each year. Upon entering into a contract, the parties obtain specific rights and certain duties. (5). Overall, the health and safety cultureisextremely poor and needs a lot of effort to improve. Breadcrumbs Section. To begin, it is critical to develop a health and safety management system in order to prevent accidents from occurring in the first place. Q. No safety management system, no rules, regulations, and procedures. When, the allocated spaces are taken, some vehicles are parked across existing parked cars, blocking them in and making it hazardous to. To find the reason and solutions of accident the first is to prevent from these accidents. 2) Workers who require time off because of occupational injury or illness will not only receive sick pay without contributing anything to the business whilst they are off work, but the company may need to recruit other people on a temporary basis to cover for them in order to maintain the same level of production or service levels. Due to the lack of health and safety management, comment on some of the costs that may be borne by the company. You work in the head office, which is a two-storyoffice building, along with: The opening hours of the office are flexible depending on the needs of the work. Explain the reasons for promoting and maintaining good standards of Health and Safety in the workplace? Managing health and safety in the workplace is a moral responsibility that shows respect for human life, promotes fair treatment and well-being, and satisfies the ethical and legal obligations of employers. You are unfamiliar with the technology to be used for the modification and your reaction is one of disbelief, and you politely ask if the engineer is serious. The workers said that they would not report these because they were afraid of being blamed. An accident includes any undesired circumstances which give rise to ill health or injury; damage to property, plant, products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities (HSE65) For every 300 non-injury accidents, statistically it .