Six months later, he had five shops, which he often spoke about; by the time of his wedding to second wife Madge in 2008, he was undergoing an offer by a multinational fitness club to buy him out. I just knew that I would. Some of his other business dealings are also implied to have failed, as described by Mick "in debt up to his little yellow eyeballs" by the time he died. Science demands verifiable evidence which can be reproduced again and again under experimental situations. His claim of surviving a near-death experience in 1982 has been widely publicized on TV and within dozens of articles and books by both acclaimed physicians and scientists, along with self-aggrandized ghost hunters and paranormal investigators, all looking to cash in on his incredible tale of dying for over an hour and a half, during that time Finally her pager went off and she was called to the University of California Center for surgery. The information transferred to me was that your beliefs shape the kind of feedback you are getting before the Light. That is a part of yourself that you leave there. Benedict says in about 200 years Cleve Backster will be seen as a kind of saint to the Gaia-based spirituality which will dominate society at that time. At this point of my near-death experience, I found myself in a profound stillness, beyond all silence. Modern science called this the Big Bang. When I realized this I was finished with the Void, and wanted to return to this creation, or Yuga. Its worth noting that a lot of the research starts with anecdotes from patients, but most scientific research starts with uncontrollable observations, Greyson argues. The actor is continuing his awards campaign with just over a week to go until the Oscars, where he is nominated for Best Actor for his performance in The Whale. It is never again going to be as wild a place as it once was. Population increase is getting very close to the optimal range of energy to cause a shift in consciousness. There is going to be a reformation in spirituality that is going to be just as dramatic as the Protestant Reformation. She had given up an hour and a half after finding me dead. One of the things that I saw is that we humans are a speck on a planet that is a speck in a galaxy that is a speck. When I recovered, I was very surprised and yet very awed about what had happened to me during my near death experience. gifted with access to Universal Intelligence. He had no idea he would revolutionize the field of consciousness studies by providing experimental proof that NDEs are real. A deer is pretty much going to be a deer forever. Just as Morses previous books helped catapult the study of NDEs and their transforming effects from a fringe area to one considered mainstream and medically valuable, Where God Lives validates the brains connection to the God experience with an arsenal of powerful human stories and indisputable scientific facts that answer formerly intractable questions like: a. He was born on March 2, 1949, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and passed away on March 31st, 2017. He wanted to know if I wanted to go home, or come play with him. Menu and widgets What happens when we dream? She went into the other room. The image of a rainbow in a noodle is so unique, it is unlikely to have its source in our cultural psychology. his experience and insights. Morse attempts to answer the most important questions from the field of near-death studies based on a single premise: that most paranormal perceptions take place through the God Spots link to a universal memory bank from which we can receive and access information and with which we can interact to alter reality in a physical way. He wrote up her case for the American Medical Associations Pediatric Journal as a fascinoma, meaning a strange yet interesting case and returned to cancer research. d. Is there a type of person who can communicate with this universal memory bank more easily than the rest of us? But whatever we created, we leave a part of ourselves there. Nerys Harvey (?-1979) Madge Barron (wife) (20082010) Michael Garvey (step grandson) Chantelle Garvey (step granddaughter) Janice Garvey (step daughter), Died on Christmas Day. I came back loving every single problem. Morse studied over 100 control children who were also treated with medications, had a lack of oxygen to their brain, were intubated and mechanically ventilated in the scary intensive care unit, and who also thought they were going to death. It was very loud, and it stuck in my head., Although prior to his near-death experience, Chris had little interest in music, since his near drowning, his mother bought him a keyboard and he has taught himself to play the heavenly music he heard.. In our DNA experiments we may have opened the door to a great secret. He found that having an NDE is good for you, resulting in a love for living. 2012 and Beyond (90 mins)10. It comes from an unending stream of life, going back to the Big Bang and beyond. The Russian near-death researcher Vladimir Negovsky (PDF) studied hundreds of soldiers who nearly died in battle. There are so many of them. Live and let live. Yale University Pediatric Cancer specialist Dr. Diane Komp reports that many dying children have near-death experiences, without evidence of brain dysfunction. The ancients knew of this. Be careful what your world view is. The next thing I remember is the beginning of a typical near death experience. Deepak Chopra, in his book Life after Death: The Burden of Proof, recounts Benedicts journey at length and says, Mellen is an encyclopedia of the afterlife. In the view of the webmaster of this site, on this web page you will read the most inspirational NDE ever documented. There are not the distortions of time, place, body image and disorientations seen in drug induced experiences. Such visions, dreams, and intuitions have enormous power to heal. I asked in a kind of telepathy, What is going on here?, The information transmitted was that our beliefs shape the kind of feedback we receive. The condition I had was inoperable, and any kind of chemotherapy they could give me would just have made me more of a vegetable. Astrophysicist Fred Hoyle agrees that the fundamental laws of the universe, which govern the creation of planets, suns and galaxies again seems to imply that conscious life will be the end result of those universal laws. It is important, because we are the caring beings. He had been on the original team in Toronto at the time of the patient's death. The Light responded. I truly was a Wonder Child; a babe in Wonderland! We all have spiritual intuitions and visions, now we must learn to listen to them and trust what they have to say. h. Can people be taught to use abilities like remote viewing and telekinesis if they were asked to focus on them? It was only natural, from what I had seen during my life after death experience. Advanced NDE Class (Part 1, Part 2)9. We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together. Posted 2022610 by 2022610 by With atomic colliders they are not only seeing what is in here, but they are creating particles. What all people seek, what sustains them, is love, the Light told me. The Doctors Studying Life After Death. I learned that this galaxy, and all of the Universe, is bursting with many different varieties of LIFE. Wherever any atom is, that is the center of the universe. It can feed back on you, especially if it is a negative world view. We experience this in the womb and we experience this in reincarnation states. Morse has appeared on many talk show and television programs to discuss his extensive research on near-death experiences in children. So ask your questions, do your searching. In the third series he owns a shop in Benidorm renting mobility scooters, something Mick describes as a business 'renting scooters to fat bone idle alcoholics who are too lazy to walk to the pub'. Drink of this manna water to your hearts content.. Atwaters book, Beyond the Light. The climbers reported being out of their physical body, seeing heaven, having life reviews, and even hearing the impact of their bodies hitting the ground. As I began to move toward the Light, I knew intuitively that if I went to the Light, I would be dead. It was like a castle, not all broken down, just a regular castle. The experiences do not only occur to dying dysfunctional brains. Chris clearly saw something he thought was real. . When its put like that, death doesnt sound so scary after all. As the stream merged with the great Light, I asked never to forget the revelations and the feelings of what I had learned on the other side. You always will. He found that 23/26 children who nearly died had NDEs whereas none of the other children had them. His vision of the future is one of hope. There was this Light shining. Light is living stuff. In contrast, control group of patients who had cardiac arrests but no NDEs could not describe their own resuscitation with any accuracy. I can attest that his case is genuine and his claims about the brain tumor and the conditions of his death are true. In 2010 he appeared in the BBC medical drama Casualty and the sitcom Grandma's House, both of which were screened after his death. Then the entire solar system appeared in the Light, accompanied by one of those velvet booms. I was on the other side. The Light knew all about me, everything past, present and future. You were created with the power to do so from before the beginning of the world.. This enables him to be a bridge between science and spirit and allows him to develop new technologies for health and wellness. The animals have a group soul, and they reincarnate in group souls. It was as if the Light was completely absorbing me. We even saw the scribbled note. I was so surprised when I opened my eyes from my near death experience. The whole process reversed, with even more information being given to me. he returned to his body with a complete remission of the On Tuesday (28 February), Fraser was a guest on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where he discussed shooting a sequence for . She told him that the seated figure was Jesus. Mel is an affluent businessman who started his business empire from a bakery in Kirkstall. There will be lots of people fighting about it, one religion against the next, believing that only they are right. I really felt good, so I was afraid of getting bad news. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. He studied parents who had infants die of SIDS, and found that 25% of parents had a vivid premonition of the event which they often documented in a journal or diary, or by telling their doctor. This is like a great company, a next subtle level of energy around us, the spirit level, you might say. It is pre life, before the first vibration. When Greyson and his team began publishing research on NDEs in the early 1980s, they were met with skepticism, and he understood why. Cleve Backster, see, is best known for his experiments with biocommunication in plant and animal cells using a polygraph machine in the 1960s which led to his theory of primary perception. Cleve Backsters study was partially replicated in 1973 by Dr. Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ of CIA remote-viewing Stargate Project fame at the Stanford Research Institute. Can memory be stored outside the brain? I entered into another realm, more profound than the last, and became aware of something more, much more. As I rode this stream of consciousness through the center of the galaxy, the stream was expanding in awesome fractal waves of energy. He states that suddenly I rolled into a ball and smashed into another reality. Psychiatrists Gabbard and Twemlow report of a 29 month old who bit into an electric cord and nearly died. After they lost consciousness, after they went into seizures, after they lost all muscle tone, when the blood stopped flowing in their brains, only then would they suddenly have a return to conscious awareness. Topics. So its reasonable to ask whether our consciousness in some way can separate from the biological functions of the brain when brain activity dramatically slows or stops.. Dear friends and fans of my light inventions. I dont know how long I was with the Light, in human time. The Journal of the Swiss Alpine Club, in the late 1800s, reported 30 first hand accounts of mountain climbers who fell from great heights and lived. Heaven Scent March 20, 2019. Its noteworthy to point out that Benedict suffered from inoperable terminal brain cancer in 1982 and was given less than 6 months to live. Instantly I entered into them all simultaneously. The Near-Death Experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict January 31, 2012. We only have to listen to them to understand them. His research is providing dramatic new perspectives on how biological systems work. of near-death research say about Mellen-Thomas: Your browser does not support the audio element. Individual identity is evolving like branches of a fractal; the group soul explores in our individuality. But was it really real? His claim of surviving a near-death experience in 1982 has been widely publicized on TV and within dozens of articles and books by both acclaimed physicians and scientists, along with self-aggrandized ghost hunters and paranormal investigators, all looking to cash in on his incredible tale of dying for over an hour and a half, during that time rising up out of his body and going into the light. }); The only images that even come close in human terms would be those created by super computers using fractal geometry equations. From what I have seen, I would be happy to be an atom in this universe. If you are a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist, you get a feedback loop of your own images. Mel Has a Near Death Experience in The Pool! Since his near-death experience, Mellen-Thomas What mystics call the Void is not a void. In 2012, Morse was charged with child endangerment based on allegations made by his 11-year-old step-daughter. I was in ecstasy. This body has been alive forever already. Medicine, Miracles, & Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences, and Universal Energy, Memories of Heaven: Children's Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth, Mellen-Thomas Benedicts Near-Death Experience, International Association of Near Death Studies, Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells, The Afterlife, Light Healing, Reincarnation, Life in a Prison and Near-Death Experiences, Martha Anne St. Claires Near-Death Experience, Book Review: Loved By The Light by John R. Audette, A Chat About Near-Death Experiences With an Artificial Intelligence Robot, Book Review: A Near-Death Researchers Notebook: What I Have Learned About Dying, Death, and the Afterlife, Electromagnetic Phenomena Reported by Near-Death Experiencers. They were so consumed with their own grief, trauma and misery. There is more of the zero space in your own body and the Universe than anything else! But just being born a human, whether deformed or genius, shows that you are on the path to developing an individual consciousness. I stood at the annihilation point, a bright orange light. As I felt my mind transported back to my body, I thought, please let me remember this new theory of relativity. Atwater. Every detail had objective verification. I saw that races are personality clusters. The ultimate message of NDEs is that life has meaning and we are all connected, says Morse. Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen: a mandala of human souls on this planet. I had a private agreement with her that she would leave my dead body alone for six hours, since I had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when you die. While on the Other Side, Benedict journeyed through various afterlife realms and was given access to Universal Intelligence by which he was allowed to absorb a tremendous amount of spiritual and scientific knowledge including the nature of reincarnation. If you are into ecology, go for it; you are that part of the system that is becoming aware. -Mellen-Thomas, "Mellen is We must stop trivializing and dismissing death related visions as hallucinations of a dysfunctional brain, and start to understand that they are a normal aspect of the human experience. It was an enormous stream of Light, vast and full, deep in the Heart of Life. I had complete trust in the Light and the Life process. Noodles dont have rainbows in them. After suffering from a terminal illness, Near-death experiences may simply be the clinical counterparts to what experimental physicists have found in the laboratory. It is childs play. One boy stated that Jesus had visited him in a big yellow school bus and told him he would die soon. He had already heard it. I told her that the most scientific answer based on the evidence is that he was able to share with her his dying experience. Photo Captures Angel at Horrific Accident Site, Amazing Rescue Dog Did This To Warn Woman She Had Cancer, The World and Even Christians Dont Look to Jesus for Masculinity but They Should Heres Why. She has floated above her body, and met the seated figure. Then I suddenly came back through the second Light, or the Big Bang, hearing several more velvet booms.