During a surgery, Arizona's leg kept on hurting, forcing her to leave the OR. After asking for time to process, Arizona accepted the situation, and she and Callie restarted their relationship. She confronted Alex, who had ignored her concerned calls and texts, and scolded him for his actions. Two Arizona firefighters died in a plane crash on Saturday while they were responding to a wildfire that started one day earlier. Arizona then jokingly said goodbye to her glass of wine. [57], As Arizona was leaving the hospital the next day, Eliza found her and when she claimed she'd be happy if Eliza was fired, Eliza called her on it, saying it would scare her because it would mean the two of them could be something. Their relationship took a turn for the better until Arizona slept with Lauren Boswell during the superstorm, and Callie found out. Eliza then answered, "That name attached to that face? Arizona agreed to continue to work with her without telling anyone else. Arizona started sniping that she didn't need to be there, as Callie was there and that Callie took other decisions for her, too, like the one to cut off her leg. Biographical Information They disagreed when Arizona wanted to change Dr. Kenley's course of treatment. When Callie finds out she is furious she ends up kicking her out of the house. Angry and depressed, Arizona has been Lexie was crushed by a piece of the plane, severely injuring her pelvis, legs, and left arm. They called a cab to get them home, and Leah helped Arizona to get in. In the light, Callie noticed Arizona's ring was pinned to Lauren's scrub top. After completing her residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Arizona was hired as a surgical fellow at Seattle Grace Hospital's pediatric surgery department. He told her not to rush and tried to get her up to take a few steps, but she yelled to let her go when he tried to help her up. They made up when Nicole returned to Grey Sloan and offered her money to open a center for women's health together.[75]. She learned to act tough when she had to, due to her name, and she never had to "come out" to her parents because it wasn't a shock to them. Bailey complained to Richard about Arizona, but he simply told her to work with Arizona because that's who they had. On Eliza's first day at Grey Sloan, Eliza helped out where she was needed. Arizona really wanted to meet her, but she was nervous and it also reminded her that she had nobody. Up until that day, she thought she'd screwed up the one great love of her life. They hugged in happiness, and Callie even kissed Arizona's belly. Jessica Capshaw, Attending Fetal SurgeonAttending Pediatric SurgeonFounderFormerBoard DirectorHead of Pediatric SurgeryHead of Fetal Surgery, FormerGrey Sloan Memorial HospitalSeattle Grace HospitalSeattle Grace Mercy West HospitalNamboze ClinicJohns Hopkins Hospital. While she was in the hospital trying to fight the infection in her leg, she mentioned that she was still very much "pissed off" and stated that she felt as though Karev should have been in the crash rather than herself, because she spent the whole time thinking about her wife and her baby and he had no wife and no baby; he had no one. M.D., F.A.C.S. [56], The next day, when Eliza officially started, Arizona had joined the resistance against Eliza's policies. [18], Arizona decided to look nice to get Callie back. She apologized, but she wasn't ready to get sexy again. Arizona then went back into her hotel room, where she asked a naked Leah to get dressed and leave right now. As she walked out of the elevator, Lauren said she already knew this as there is only Arizona Robbins on the Internet. Cristina interfered and made Callie allow it. Arizona told her to pop the hood and she quickly pulled the horn wire, which she told Eliza she'd need to have fixed. Despite this, Eliza found Arizona at the end of the day and told her that her allowing Leah to take the lead on the Wallace baby was a perfect example of her teaching strategy and thanked her for being on board. Does Arizona Robbins Really Have a Prosthetic? She noticed the skating made the kids feel at ease, too. After four days in the woods, Arizona and the others were taken to the hospital in Boise, where scans were taken of her leg. However, at the party, April overheard Callie tell everyone that Arizona died in the plane crash they were in. As the lights flickered back on, Arizona pushed her off, saying that she couldn't do that. At the hospital, Leah told her she was ready to take it further. While she was out in the woods, Alex left her a message to tell her that he chose to go to Hopkins to see if he was something without her around. When Arizona was asking Jerry about the 4 hours he mentioned earlier, a helicopter passed over the woods, and she screamed along with the others, but it didn't help. Before going to the party, Arizona opened up to Leah, who was scared she got HIV after a patient bit her, about her first disease scare during her residency and she told Leah she didn't have to try to be easy peasy all the time. Because of brain tumor, Nicole is very harsh on Arizona, as she wants to teach Arizona years worth of fetal surgery knowledge within the six months she has left. [35], Arizona had a moment of looking back on her life when she worked together with Alex on two equally sick twins and they had to decide which one would get the donor liver. Later that day, Arizona met Alex in a supply room and they talked about her cheating. Arizona tried to tell Callie who Lauren was (as her name was on the cup of coffee), but Callie was too occupied with trying to get through to Bailey, who had locked herself in her lab. Her reasons were metaphorical: she deals mostly with newborns at work; she does not want to deal with them in her personal life, but she claimed "[she is] super flattered. When Callie had the chicken pox, Arizona snooped through. Outside the room, Lauren asked Arizona to show her to an on-call room as she likes to stay close by in case anything happens the first night post-op. Protect the things I love." Owen asked Alana to leave them alone, and Arizona though Alana would have her fired, as she hadn't been very efficient lately. You Are Reading :Greys Anatomy How The Plane Crash Impacted The Seattle Grace Five. In the aftermath She confided she was nervous to start dating again and didn't know where to start. Shortly after the crash, Arizona was lying next to the front part of the wreckage and she kept on screaming until Cristina yelled at her to shut up. Callie was angry and told her that the wedding would be all about Bailey and not about the leg, which it had been all about for the past five months. She then gave him some remarks about the prosthetic and he told her he'd do something about it. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. The team at Seattle Grace Mercy West takes him off his ventilator and he dies in the Season 9 She told Arizona that Arizona promised to allow her to scrub in on the surgery on the night of the gala. [58], After losing her first child patient, Eliza was distraught and Arizona coached her on how to get through that loss. Arizona was paged to Meredith's room, where Meredith told her that Callie and Sofia were at her house. While she was alone, she tried to take a few steps when Alex came in. Arizona decided they'd work it out and accepted him as her roommate. At the end of the evening, Callie and Arizona started fighting again at their apartment. Siblings WebThe episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. What happened to Arizona Robbins? Leah eventually told her fellow residents that she was having something with Arizona. When Callie confessed she told Bailey she could flee from the wedding, Arizona thought it was a reference to their marriage and was a little offended. Lauren tried to come up with an excuse, but Callie figured out what had happened. Later that night, April confessed that she had overheard Catherine saying Jackson wanted to sue for full custody over their child and that, refusing to be a victim, she filed for a restraining order against Jackson. When she did find out, she thanked Alex for telling her. She is also on a first name basis with the Head of Pediatric Surgery at Johns Hopkins, as she studied under him during her residency. A series of surgeries followed (including the delivery of her very premature baby) along with emotional breakdowns by both Mark and Arizona. Richard said if she wanted her daughter, she had to fight like she'd never fought before. She then coughed up blood again. [20], Some time after the gala, Leah brought Arizona a cup of coffee before the big surgery with Shepherd. She went to a lounge, where she took of her prosthetic. The way she described her upbringing is that she was "..raised to be a good man in a storm. While looking for spare batteries for the NICU machines, Arizona confessed to Alex that she cheated on Callie with "that woman out there" and that she felt horrible about it. She asked Arizona to move closer to her to start her part of the surgery, while she offered to let Jackson do another part. While scrubbing in early for the surgery, they discovered they were both control freaks. Eventually, both Arizona and Mark made up and together with Callie, the three raised Sofia together until Mark's death. "I'm trying," she says. However, Arizona solidified her stance when she was contacted by a New York school about Sofia's application. When they got paged to the ER, Arizona told Alex to run and that she'd follow. Greys Anatomys Arizona Robbins is alive but in no way does she resemble the happy, peppy, perky doctor who first zoomed through Seattle Grace sporting a pair of light up wheelie sneakers. Does Izzie and Alex have a baby? While April did not consider her situation and Jenny's to be the same, Arizona pointed out she felt about April's situation as April felt about Jenny's. Without checking it first, she told him it was fine. Arizona refers to her patients as tiny humans and to their parents as tiny human makers. Callie started criticizing the father, but Arizona came to his defense. She ended up bringing her home and the two had sex. Emma asked for more information about Callie, and Arizona told her that Callie is great, but not that great as they're divorced now. She didn't hear back from Bailey, she left an angry message, which was all part of Bailey's plan. This caused the horn to honk continuously. Callie and Arizona later reconciled and they moved back in together. Arizona made Callie promise that she would not cut her leg off and Callie agreed. Arizona says. After witnessing Sofia leave with a happy Callie and Penny, Arizona took to Lucinda Gamble herself to start a custody battle over Sofia as she refused to let Callie move across the country with her daughter. Later, Amelia told her that all she could do to make it right was to wait and hope that April would eventually forgive her. [65], After her return to Seattle, Sofia refused to go to school. she and Leah worked together on a girl with a broken femur, which required Callie consulting. In series eight, Arizona boarded a flight to get to another hospital to perform surgery on conjoined twins. Since they were too intoxicated to drive, Leah called them a cab. Arizona confessed she only vaguely remembered the grilled cheese, and Leah then asked her to go back to the part where she said she was pretty, making Arizona smile in embarrassment. On her first day at the hospital, the only person Teddy knew was Owen. Does Jackson Avery die? The four people killed in a jet crash near San Diego were the pilots and two flight nurses who were heading back to their home base after flying a patient from Raised to love my country. They got drunk, and paged Leah to the closet to get them some more champagne and snacks. She stared in a way that made Arizona feel really good. Having learned her lesson, Arizona respected Jenny's wishes while April eventually told the mother. She told Callie that they were having a baby when Callie came home that night after a long day of work. She suffered from phantom limb at night, but when it started to happen during the day too, she didn't want to talk to Callie about it. At the end of the day, Callie did show up at the therapist's office, but only to tell Arizona that she was not going to therapy with her yet. [63], Eliza "ghosted" Arizona, not replying to her messages and moving out of her apartment without saying a word to Arizona about it. [28], Callie and Arizona decided to use a surrogate to try to have another child. [36], After having heard about Penny through Callie's stories, it was finally time for Arizona to meet her at the dinner party at Meredith's house. At the time of her first appearance, Arizona was a cheerful and bubbly person, waking up happy every day. Arizona is a lesbian and was married to Callie Torres. During the surgery, Callie asked Arizona if she would wear her high heel leg to the wedding, but advised her not to as the wedding was at a muddy farm and Arizona's leg always gets sore after a while. Arizona really took a liking to Penny and described her as perfect, which led her to wonder why she didn't have a Penny herself. Appearances She fell, but he caught her. [43], April continued to refuse to tell Jackson about her pregnancy while Arizona continued to advise her to tell him, since other people had already find out. Before he left, he told her Callie was trying too. All she had to do was stretch her wings and feel the air. Emergency responders attend to the site of a plane crash near an industrial area to the south of Little Rock, Arkansas on February 22, 2023. She was in a coma for a long time after the crash, but has since recovered. She was in a coma for a long time after the crash, but has since recovered. A more complete gallery with pictures of Arizona Robbins can be found here. When Callie was pregnant Mark and Arizona took an interest in her health and started cooking and trying new recipes together.[72]. She is very much aware of the nature of her job, Robbins has seen things in pediatric surgery to the extent she has nightmares about the tiny coffins that her patients will be buried in, and so she will remain optimistic in the face of the tragedy involved in her job. In the evening, Callie and Arizona eventually both went to Meredith's party and set aside their problems that night for Sofia. HEARTBREAKING: Two firefighters died in an aviation accident after their plane went down while surveying a 300-acre wildfire burning near Wikieup, Arizona, officials said on Saturday. For the parking space. Outside the room, Lauren and Arizona chatted for a while, and Arizona confessed that she googled Lauren too. Snap out of this?" However, after a shooter entered Seattle Grace with a vendetta for Derek, Lexie, and Richard, they were in lockdown together, and eventually decided to get back together and have kids. Furious at this, she took two bottles of champagne and met Arizona in the hospital storage closet where she was hiding to share a drink and talk. She decided she didn't want to be with someone who made her feel stuck and she believed that working on their marriage was slowly killing her. When it got dark, Mark told her that he was ready to go to Lexie, but Arizona convinced him to fight to stay alive as she, Callie, and Sofia were waiting for him. After Bailey's visit with Sofia, Arizona realized her future was uncertain. The dislike grew in the OR where Arizona said that it was a miracle that Jackson was still alive, as he should've been on the transplant list a year ago. Finally, as she regained her strength and confidence when she learned to use her prosthetic. He urged her to think about Sofia, who was too important to do something that could not be undone. [19], Arizona went to the fundraising gala, but soon left after having shared some awkward looks with Callie, who started to tell people that her wife died in the plane crash just to get more donations out of the rich people at the party. Callie explained there were waiting lists. During her surgical residency, she was a "full-on horror show". Arizona then mentioned that Eliza had made a big mistake leaving Arizona's name off the list of good teachers. She did it in college, in med school, and when she first got her job at Seattle Grace. She revealed it was driving her crazy how Callie kept on trying to forgive and take care of her. She also surprised Sofia with three different flavors of ice cream. However, after Arizona travelled to a prison hospital with Bailey and Jo, and then returned to work on Eliza's official first day, she blew Eliza off, stating that she was too tired. In surgery, Arizona asked Alex about his strategy to get away from someone who gets way too attached after a one-night stand, which wasn't even a real one-night stand. They moved closer and hugged, and as the lights fell out due to the storm, they kissed each other in the dark. She lost the baby. They finally married at a ceremony officiated by Miranda Bailey. The doctors, Arizona in particular, weren't extremely happy about the award and went back to work. Eliza told her she couldn't. The two watched movies and talked all night (though Arizona remembered none of it). Seasons While Callie was ranting over how Sofia lost a parent and she lost her best friend, Arizona turned towards Callie. She was later chosen as Chief Resident for her 5th and final year of residency. Arizona stuck out her hand to say goodbye, but Lauren laughed at this. That evening, Arizona was nervous about meeting Penny at the dinner party and started drinking excessively to ease her nerves. Much to her discomfort, nobody was interested, so she took a tab of her own flyer to make other people interested. When Mark asked Teddy out, Teddy confided in Arizona, who suggested that Mark was like candy: eat it and forget about it. You might be immortal. At the end of the day, Arizona allowed Callie, who was ready to go back to Mark's place, to sit next to her on the couch to watch American Bake Off together. Arizona proposed to have Sofia choose between her astronaut costume and Callie's princess costume, but Callie thought it wasn't worth the fight and told Arizona she could take Sofia to the party at Meredith's. [16], After Callie made the comment about having lost her, Arizona was left speechless as an angry Callie left the room. [30] Arizona quickly learned that Dr. Herman had a brain tumor and had been given six months to live. However, Lauren did not listen and came to the NICU anyway, stating she was not going to sit around while there was a room full of babies needing help. Callie pushed Arizona to answer when she asked her if that meant she didn't ever want to try again, but all Arizona could say was that she didn't know. You are kind of a legend with the interns and residents. She suggested that she take the next day off and take Sofia to find an adventure. Callie wanted to discuss options, but Arizona said it sounded like she had already decided. Mark and Cristina both suggested that she lie and say she broke up with Arizona, but after Arizona approached her and told her that she loved how Callie cared so much about things and wouldn't care if Callie lied, Callie decided not to lie because her family should accept her. We spent our money on four park-to-park tickets, four Express Passes, and food. She stated that she "rocked the heavy eyeliner and had some t-shirts". While she kept on talking about how good the settlement would be for them, Arizona ignored her and didn't respond, and even pulled away when Callie tried to make physical contact with her. She asked for an OR, but Cristina, who had been questioning Teddy's abilities all day, was reluctant. At the end of the day, Arizona told an angry Callie that she couldn't keep apologizing and that Callie couldn't keep playing a victim. She took his place on the plane and pulled him off every single pediatric case before she left. Lauren then said she would want her back at some point, and Arizona replied that would be great. Upon finding out, Arizona set the record straight and went to tell Callie she was done with getting in the middle of other people's things.[47]. While still mad at him, Arizona also missed Alex. After the interview, Emma asked Arizona how long she and Callie have been divorced, and while playing with her necklace, Arizona admitted that she didn't think they were, saying they were more more just separated than divorced. She was panicking when the pilot asked if there was someone there. Callie continued to reject Arizona's constant pleading and apologies. The Season 9 premiere of "Grey's Anatomy" (Thursdays at 9 p.m. She found a house and pinned a flyer to a board at the hospital to find a roommate. "How the hell am I supposed to snap out of this when you cut off my leg?" During a break in court, Arizona met Callie in the bathroom of the courthouse, where Callie was changing her pantyhose. In the season eight finale, Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo), Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), Dr. Cristina Yang (), Dr. Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh), Dr. Mark Sloan (), and Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) are caught in an aviation accident, leaving Lexie Grey dead, and the rest of the doctors stranded. Against her will, Callie picked her up and put her in the shower, and made it clear that Arizona's problems were her problems too, as they lived together. When head pediatric surgeon Jordan Kenley died, Arizona was promoted to department head and took over Dr. Kenley's cases. The four people killed in a jet crash near San Diego were the pilots and two flight nurses who were heading back to their home base after flying a patient from Arizona, according to a report. They both often jointly spent several nights at the hospital, even going to great lengths as to steal the attendings' lounge sofa together, to continue working on Arizona's crash course. When Arizona won a grant to advance pediatric surgery in less developed countries, she gave her notice and resigned. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. Later, Arizona was confronted by Eliza in the parking lot, with Eliza claiming while Arizona was acting as though she was against her, she was really afraid of Eliza being fired, as that would mean the pair could pursue a relationship. Grey's Anatomy: What happened to Arizona Robbins in Grey's When he told her he couldn't feel his legs, she suddenly stopped laughing, and he said he knew that was bad. She argued Sofia's life was in Seattle. "Sometimes we try to make things better and we have actually no idea that we're actually causing more pain," Arizona said, clearly also talking about Callie trying to fix her. They discussed whether or not the hospital should settle, as they were risking bankruptcy all over again if the case was going to trial. The two of them ended up sharing a kiss. Moments later, the storm hit Seattle and Arizona and Lauren went to talk to Tyler's parents. Arizona took her to work and put her in the daycare for the day. Callie argued that Arizona moved a lot in her youth and she turned out fine. Arizona did so, and they were both sorry Tyler's case was over. She said the other night was a bad call because she was lonely, that it was just once and that it would stay that way, and she asked Leah to adjust her expectations if she was expecting more. [44] Arizona continued to push April to tell Jackson since she worried April was doing this alone. Worried about what took place that night, Arizona asked Leah if anything happened between them and Leah told her nothing had. After becoming Callie's girlfriend, Arizona also became good enough friends with Mark, Lexie, and Cristina. A year later, Arizona resumes her position as the head pediatric surgeon. They soon became very open with each other and discussed their relationship problems together, bonding them. Arizona came to the scrub room to inform her that she had missed the appointment, and Callie apologized. Arizona said while she revealed her residual limb. Dr. Lauren Boswell came to GSM to perform a surgery on an infant with his brain growing on the outside of his head. She proposed they could wait a while before trying again, but Arizona replied that she didn't want to try again as she couldn't handle any more loss. Callie then acknowledged the wedding would just be another reminder of the leg, but told her she was still more beautiful than the other women at the wedding. When a new consultant was hired by Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital to revamp their surgical residency program, Eliza made a loud entrance.