The taverns have run dry! Not an illusion: 12 bottles of 2,000 year old magically preserved wine worth 50 gp each. guards this place as well. N5. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. She kills all of the Elk Tribe and will wait for the group to clear out the caves, then follow through. Living Bigbys hand Thank you for share!! Contents are hidden by illusory script (PH pg 252) for first 5 days after his death. The, Other Things Characters Can Do Characters who cant harm the, restore their hit points and remove their injuries. Storage: Barrels contain mundane equipment. Chamber of the Codicil: Velynne wants this book for the new spell inside. Q3. GET YOUR INSTANT LOAN APPROVAL 100% GUARANTEED TODAY NO MATTER YOUR CREDIT SCORE. A place for Dungeon Masters to discuss the D&D 5th Edition book: Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Uses her wand of magic missiles (DMG pg 211), has 7 charges. Personality. Her name is Beldora. Y19K. Upper Barracks: 8 duergar (MM pg 122). Her son got hold of some black ice and took off with some tieflings (He's at Caer-Dineval pg 38). The problem is that both of the wyrmlings (MM pg 102) are in Q4! Its bones are still here. Office of the Captain of the Guard: Empty. H18. Install the hp printer on your Windows or Mac computer and install the drivers via For more information, contact our team at Harmless squirrels live here. They'll let the heroes pass through here. To upgrade Office, press on the products of and start downloading and installing Office products on the device.log in and enter office 25 digit product key to activate your office product. I am not looking forward with what they would do with Tashas Cauldron of Everything. He came back home and also got me a new car just for him to prove his love for me. Sperm whale [2] It was let loose from the duergar fortress to decimate the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale, flying first to the small village of Dougan's Hole.[3]. H5. Unfortunately the travel rules for mounts and overland travel in Rime are half-baked at best and completely neglected at worst. In the event that you have discover any issue in making your Office account, at that point visit this site certainly causes you. In the midst of an encounter focused around the dragons Malevolent Presence, you can turn up the heat by having a crisis arise as the result of the dragons devastation. on page 252. Rinaldo: This bard likes to tell customers the tragic tale of the White Lady, an entity that haunts Lac Dinneshere. Amazon Prime TV, and MyTV code. (pg 183-184) Xardorok is unaware that his advisor Klondorn is actually a magically disguised barbed devil who serves Asmodeus. Upside-Down Potion Storage: Metal ches bolted to the ceiling (12 feet up). and the characters probably won't even be around for it. She wears a ring of warmth (DMG pg 193) and has a big backstory involving a song and a woman battered by wind. The program requires the customer to have an Amazon account and a streaming device or TV.Amazon Prime TV, and MyTV code. I2. Norton Antivirus provides protection from viruses, malware, online threats without harming device performance. These vessels resemble streamlined spiders with wings between their legs. This place is huge. Goliath Party: 4 goliath warriors (pg 292). For this, you just have to go to Amazon with the help of the amazon activation code. Processing Room: There's a small dog figurine worth 10 gp. X7. Then the insane chwinga tries to steal stuff: Sleight of Hand (+5) vs. the character's passive perception. Download and install canon printer driver from the official site. X4. Cheers! At the end on the dock is a path that leads to Grimskalle. Chwinga: (pg 282) You pick whether it's sane or insane. [1] Combat Adventurers squaring off against a chardalyn dragon In combat, a chardalyn dragon attacked its target with its sharp claws and teeth. I did as instructed and 24 hours later, I got a call that I won $739,342,000 million dollars, I thought it was a joke until i saw $739,342,000 Million dollars on my bank account. communicate from the Border Ethereal using the guidelines on page 116. Monster Manual descriptions 2nd Edition Ever since then, I have been happy all my life and my love life with my partner has been so wonderful and all this happened within 48 hours of contacting Lord Zakuza.. You can also need his help for anything and here's his contact information's. The second d20 is the "blizzard die". Simply plug it into your TV, associate with the web, set up a Roku record, and start spilling your top choices.Roku gadgets are easy to set-up and simple to-utilize. Treasure Vault: In each alcove, there is an iron chest. p. 192 gives other things players can do but can also give you ideas for increasing the challenge. I just want to reiterate that James Haeck wrote a tremendous article about running this chapter right here. I ask because it'll be helpful for more specific advice but also because my group is transferring from another campaign, and will be (possibly well) past 6th level when they reach Sunblight. Trapped Hall: Enter or start turn: DEX save DC 15, 18 lightning dmg, half on save. Ms office is a new sensatin in the market that left every body awestruck with its best, Kaspersky Anti-Virus features include real-time protection, detection and removal of viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, keyloggers, tools and auto-dialers, as well as detection and removal of, Norton Antivirus provides protection from viruses, malware, online threats without harming device performance. Giant walrus was a request for peace with the goblins. The woman I had an affair with is a wonderful woman and I love her too and our kids had begun accepting the situation and my wife has kind of moved on, but not in love with the man she is seeing. Ten-Towns in under seige. She isn't into him, and is quietly trying to overthrow him. Secrets: Each character starts with a random secret (pg 14). For installation of drivers, seek help immediately from the website Charred Book: Can make out part of the title "ether". Pick up the hammer. that the group can use to reflects its gaze. WhatsApp Web is the PC version of Whatsapp Messenger which is based on a desktop browser. Living blade of disaster Agreed on both legendary resistances and actions, but also: could OP give us more details on the 4 sixth level PCs and the tactics they/you used? Download and install HBO MAX on your smart tv.HBO Max offers TV shows, blockbuster movies, and new Max Originals to its users. C9. Eggshells in Cells: Examine the shells: Nature Check DC 13, they are white dragon eggs that hatched about 3 years ago. The, business for almost a year. Scrivenscry: An arcanaloth (pg 313) who insists that the party help search for the Books. Can't gain another die for 10 days. Enlarged Duergar Panicked Ten-Towners rush past younot to escape the, Ice Gate Level The uppermost level of the fortress contains the mechanism that operates the ice gateenormous doors through which Xardoroks, Akannathi ARN ah-kah-NAH-thee Chief of the Akannathi goliath tribe of Skytower Shelter I am finding it very useful. C2. The bad guys take the chardalyn to their fortress, which the heroes aren't meant to go to until chapter 3. Once you succeed, the you shake off the hunger (though any exhaustion remains). Secret of Chief Yarb-Gnock: A gnome named Spellix Romwod (pg 144) is pretending to be a goblin chief named Yarb-Gnock. Frost Druid and Friends: The frost druid (pg 289) approaches in the form of an animal and attacks. Meeting Room: Hatch is arcane locked (PH pg 215). If your group has a mercenary mindset, you might want to bump up the rewards a bit. Dzaan Lives: If the simulacrum becomes real, it thanks the group and resumes the search for Ythryn. H20. The more rewarding thing to do, imo, is run Chapter 4 BEFORE you run Chapter 3. The 123 hp setup HP printer makes printing hassle-free and easy. How about we discover the essential advances which will assist you with making the great video account.Read more, Today makes it five years that lord Bubuza help me got my Ex boyfriend back with his spell and we are happily married with two kids, I just want to appreciate lord Bubuza again and i will keep thanking him for helping me get the love of my life back, this man is a God on Earth. 2 claw + 1 tailClaw. Let's take a look at these new mind flayer variants from page 302-303 of this book. The problem that I see here is that you the DM will need to be familiar with all ten settlements right off the bat in the very first session. Amazon Prime is a subscription service, which can be subscribed by going to the link video is a subscription service that caters to the media needs of people through the platform.The Amazon Prime Activation Code is a six digit alphanumeric code that can be found on your TV screen when you click on Register on prime paid for online streaming services used at Gives users access to a variety of services such as instant delivery.Search for Amazon to find the app.Get more information. The Chardalyn Dragon is a construct built from Chardalyn which is easier to work with than steel, just as strong but looks similar to crystal. Each layer of ice takes 1 hour to get through: D10. "Sled dogs must take a short rest after pulling a sled for one hour; otherwise they gain one level of exhaustion.". X22. The dragon can expend all three legendary actions to take this reaction a second time in a round. I mean, I do love Icewind dale, but I agree, this is a bit too much. G16. If the sequester is dispelled, Xerophon will try to claim he was a peasant who had a cruel master named Iriolarthus, but in truth he is a doppelganger (MM pg 82) who murdered a sage. Corpse has a missing ring finger. Chieftan's Cave: Harad is sleeping, Kaniaka is sitting by the fire. Maybe add some sort of corrupted modrones as healers for the dragon, Reminds me of the Incredibles haha I like it. If yes, consider yourself lucky because you are in the correct place. Eastern Elevator: Duergar hammerer (pg 286). A blizzard hits as the group treks toward the sled. Leader: Speaker Edgra Durmoot (scout MM pg 349). The Ice Gate: I found this a little confusing. Choice: The group will have a choice to make. This tribe is ultimately meant to try to kill the heroes when they go to open the passage to Ythryn (see "Elk and Tiger" on pg 215). This tribe ultimately is meant to protect the heroes from the Tiger Tribe when the group is about to open the passage to Ythryn (see "Elk and Tiger" on pg 215). Auril's Blessing: When a character who has either passed all 4 tests or has the Midwinter Child secret, Auril contacts them via telepathy and offers her blessing. As a DM for RotF, I worry a lot about my players seeing this article, even just the title, and having it spoiled for them. P11. Vellyne has heard of the group and was trying to track them down. Knowledge: The characters start knowing everything in the "Icewind Dale Knowledge" section on pg 22. (pg 104) Duvessa knows that Vaelish Gant is incarcerated in Revel's End. I'm so happy with life now. In this chapter, a number of different things can happen. Because of popularity and market demand, WhatsApp has released a PC version called Web.whatsapp which comes in a little twist. Chardalyn dragons emitted a powerful charm-like aura. She can not be surprised. One returns every 2d4 hours. Over 200mm long, the Chardalyn Dragon is an excellent addition to your miniatures collection. 2023 Wizards. Still, not complaining, I like that the theme that not one being knows everything. First Tomb of the Half-Moon: Sarcophagus with an elf corpse in it. The shaman has convinced King Gunvald to kill and eat for of the eldest members of the tribe. A More Dragony Dragon - When a natural dragon beats its wings, players have to succeed on a dex throw or take damage and be knocked prone. Auril (third form) Treasure buried under ice. Cells: Permanent antimagic fields. Garagai's Bedroll: Just a big fur bedroll. Mountain Travel: "At the end of each hour, the character or NPC leading the expedition must make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. You can protect your computer, PC, and other devices from malware, viruses, spyware, etc. and X13. I'm a little concerned that the front page of the main website my players go to get to their characters is flashing "HEY! So I'm not sure how it is of any use as an "alternate escape route" as suggested in the text. Be sure to install cartridges, load paper and power on the printer. To do so enter canon printer model number at Chardalyn dragons were rare dragon-shaped constructs. R6. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I reconnected with an old girlfriend from college on Facebook and we began an affair and I left my wife. If they are on griffons and get near Grimskalle, the roc (MM pg 260) will attack and eat the griffons. You can protect your computer, PC, and other devices from malware, viruses, spyware, etc. W2. Walrus From the web browser, enter the six-digit xfinity stream authorized code provided to the Roku device. Telepathic Distress Signal: A creature attuned to the psi crystal and certain telepathic NPCs (listed on page 103) can hear the signal. Yes, there are a few shared elements between them (both have the whole "ice queen in a tower", both involve black ice / chardalyn, and both can potentially involve an attack on Ten-Towns by a 'dragon', etc), but I still think it would be good as a setup, since Rime of the Frostmaiden does draw on elements from that previous adventure. ELEMENTALS The Crawl: Goliaths making ceremonial dolls for a ritual. H33. Go to and follow the simple procedure to create an account for hbomax. in the Cave of the Berserkers (pg 124). Give the Chardalyn dragon a reaction it can use when a damaging spell is cast on it to absorb the spell into one of its chardalyn plates. B5. The idea is the wear the party down by presenting them with a day's worth of encounters that all appear to be a single encounter. Ol' Bitey is a trout mounted on the wall that will try to bite those that come close and will sing a rhyme. Exterior: Remember that this place is built for a giant. West Observation Platform: Two drow are hiding behind the statues and will attack. Y13. 10 Arveiaturace(ancient white, . How to Play Icewind Dale's Mid-Game Boss like a Magical Superweapon, sled dogs travel,up to 85 pounds apiece, The chardalyn dragon leaves Sunblight and flies to the town of Dougans Hole (2 hours), The dragon attacks each of Ten-Towns settlements in turn (see , The dragon attacks the final town of Bryn Shander, The dragon returns to Sunblight for repairs, if possible, If Xardorok Sunblight lives, his scouts assess the damage to Ten-Towns. Works for Torg's, a small traveling merchant company. Even though its little more than a weapon, the chardalyn that this dragon was crafted from is infused with demonic power, giving the chardalyn dragon a hateful, sadistic personality. C6. The memories of my husband was still in me and i realized how much i loved him and have missed him. They need the psi crystal to power their nautiloid. She has brought shards of metal to impress Duhg. The bucket fits one Medium or 2 Small creatures. Helives in Seattle, Washington with his fiance Hannah and their animal companions Mei and Marzipan. Staff Storage: Non-magical staffs that can be used as an arcane focus for spellcasters. Y19H. The broadcast is in Deep Speech. Share stories. They need to burn the correct items in the braziers to get the door to J3 open. Trust me he is certainly the best and he also does fertility spells to get pregnant for your partner.. Hes on WhatsApp with this number +1 740 573 9483 and on Email via you can contact him. In my opinion, they should leave. P12. This is a preview of Cthulhu for Fifth Edition. X9. The dragon reached Easthaven after 5 hours of destroying Dougans Hole and Good Mead, and is 5 hours deep in an 8-hour long attack run on the fortified town. Icicle Drop: There are seven ice mephits (MM pg 215) among the icicles (passive Perception 13+ spot them). Veneranda wants to restoe Ythryn to its former glory. A priest of Lathander named Macreadus tried to build a device to end the Rime. will come to help. works best with the latest versions of the browsers. They might try to ambush the first character to come in to C24. Guard Post: Dreck (MM pg 122) is here, invisible. Main Hall: The group can meet the chieftain of Wyrmdoom here. Card Text: Flying. Deals double damage to objects and structures! Simply plug it into your TV, associate with the web, set up a Roku record, and start spilling your top choices.Roku gadgets are easy to set-up and simple to-utilize. Agents of Levistus have secretly taken over. Each hour of searching, roll on the Lake Events table. In the closet is a statue/shrine. Type: Aberration Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental Fey Fiend Giant Humanoid Monstrosity Ooze Plant Undead Other. Dining Room: There's a goblin (MM pg 166) behind a door, watching via a peephole. (Tavern) Three Flags Sailing: A woman known as "Ma" or Ethen Yarbroul (commoner MM pg 344) runs this place. We had 2 children together who are now 11 & 13. 04. Ancient Tomb: Moving the block requires a combined STR of 50. If the heroes go check it out, Durth Sunblight (Duergar mind master pg 286) is there, but will shrink and flee if he hears the creaking of footsteps on the deck. As the speaker is getting the money together, the Zhentarim from Targos step in and take the speaker hostage at the town hall, demanding that the cauldron be handed over.Basically, the bad guys lock the speaker and his guards in T18 (pick lock = DEX check DC 15). You're using an outdated or unsupported browser and some AOL features may not work properly. Skydock Spire: A clear chamber that hovers atop a spire. Dzaan (pg 269): The first time the party encounters this guy, he is being burned at the stake (pg 63). Simple tweaks to a monster's stat block can enhance its horror. Den of the Vampire Spawn: Clinging to the walls, 5 kobold vampire spawn (pg 297) jump at the first character to enter. Returning Berserkers: As the group leaves and is on the causeway, 3 chardalyn berserkers (pg 280) return with a slain peryton. Random Encounters: Each hour, roll on the chart on page 233: Arcane Blight: Once you spend 12 hours in the necropolis: CON save DC 15. It uses polar bear stats (MM pg 334). Hopes to be free. Characters have one minute to escape before they are crushed to death. S8. It goes like this: Y22. Waste Chute: Gelym and Tyzar, the white dragon wyrmlings (MM pg 102) are resting here. His duergar search for a special type of crystal called chardalyn. Along the way, they're likely to spot the smoldering ruins of Dougan's Hole. Angajuk arrives 30 minutes later. R12. It is entirely possible for the group to bring them to Termalaine, where they prove themselves to be valuable workers. If the group encounters her during a blizzard, she is buried under the snow. 25% chance a tomb tapper (pg 310) burrows in and attacks. To register your device on the Amazon website you go to our website and enter the given code. On a 6, the tracks lead to the elven tomb. Dragon Scourge: How long it takes to get to a town really matters in this chapter, so I'm going to make a handy little chart that will show who gets where when. Over 200mm long, the Chardalyn Dragon is an excellent addition to your miniatures collection. Ythryn Mythallar: This is contained in the force field that surrounds the Spire of Iriolarthus, and can't be accessed until the heroes use the Arcane Octad. Menagerie: The Chimeric Creator is a magic device (Arcana check DC 15 to figure out how it works). He has a lot Cold Storage: 4 corpses - cultists who were slain by the speaker's guards during the hostile takeover. If you want to know more about it, then you can visit the, Norton Antivirus provides protection from viruses, malware, online threats without harming device performance. Slippery Entrance: Remember, this tunnel was dug out by the shield guardian centuries ago. There are two clans, the Akannathi from Skytower Shelter (who tame griffons, see pg 163) and the Thuunlakalaga from Wyrmdoom Crag, and they don't get along. At your discretion, if a character has a slaad tadpole, it pops out here. After 20 hours of uninterrupted travel (with a generous presumption of the characters taking fitful long rests in shifts as they ride across the snow), the chardalyn dragon will have just reached the town of Termalaine, having already reached and annihilated Dougans Hole, Good Mead, Easthaven, Caer-Dineval, and Caer-Konig, five of the ten towns. Yselm hires the group to the Jarlmoot (pg 137). First, though, it needs a spellbook. Cryogenic Stasis Pods: Non-functional until the power core is fixed. Using the Griffons: On page 198, it says that if the heroes have made peace betweent he goliath tribes, that they can convince the goliaths to let them use the griffons to fly to Auril's islands. Hailing from uncivilized lands, unpredictable berserkers come together in war parties and seek Conflict wherever they can find it. There's no reason to make the players feel guilty for failing to complete an impossible task. Getting to the Island: There are three options: Within One Mile of the Island: The fog is so thick within a mile of the island that it blinds you (heavily obscured). Arcane Brotherhood Item Checklist: The four items they want the most are: The staff of power, the scroll of the comet, the scroll of tarrasque summoning, and most of all, Iriolarthus's spellbook. Hunting Parties: 1d6+4 tribal warriors (MM pg 350). The goblins aren't scared by it. Bryn Shander/Easthaven/Targos: On the New Moon, on random person is sent to the Tundra to die. The website on which you need to complete this process is USAA activate.To accomplish this task, you need to have a usaa login account that can be easily created at its online portal.WhatsApp is one of the top messaging apps for Android devices. Sephek lurks outside the house of a government official. Overlook: 5 goliath warriors (pg 291). K8. Contact lord Bubuza now for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 or email: or website:, Your blog gave us significant data to work with. Legendary Monster - Give the Chardalyn dragon three Legendary Actions per round. The dragon will wipe out ALL OF TEN-TOWNS in 55.5 hours! If someone gets access to your mailbox this person can also misuse your identity. Searching the mess turns up a brass key (for the chest in P15) and a scroll of invisibility (PH pg 254). If you do not have an account, go to Find My Webroot Account and create an account. They are the single greatest obstacles in the way of it completing its masters wishes, after all. He rules over the Charonadaemons and Hydrodaemons . Crag Cats: 1d4 crag cats (pg 285) try to sneak up on the group. H13. I've removed the spoiler from the title, so that D&D Beyond is once more safe for your players to browse. I can't remember, lol. In the characters final confrontation with the dragon (which, depending on their actions, may also be their first and only encounter with it), the dragon fights with demonic savagery. Once Sahnar is reduced to 0 hit points, it crumbles to dust. Two are having a test of strength, holding rocks aloft. It's kind of tough to figure out where to put him. Prisoners: They each have a number. Thing in the Ice: Wall: AC 13, HP 50, vul: fire imm: cold/poison/psycvhic, Any creature coming within 20 feet of the wall dominate monster (PH pg 235) INT sv DC 15 Fail: stand there and stare for 1 hour. Hypnos magen he left home and said he is not interested in the relationship anymore for no reason, i was in shock. We zijn nu gelukkig samen. The ship crashed. Borehole: Roll on the psychic haunting table (pg 217). N8. Here are my ideas for the Chardalyn Dragon. "To give you an idea of these dogs strength and endurance,records from Northwest Company fur traders in the 1800snote that a single pair of sled dogs could haul upwards of 1,000 pounds on a sledge (a sled like our modern day toboggan) over a short distance, and they routinely hauled loads of 300 or more pounds over 20 miles in under five hours. P1. This will matter once the avalanche hits. Notes on an Ostorian artifact that hes been moved to the stasis chamber for further study. Feather Dragon, Young. M1. Perytons: They start out high in the air (need a passive perception of 13+ to not be surprised). He actually has regeneration if in below zero temperature! H39. You can shatter the ice )AC 13 HP 30), causing anyone standing on it to make a DEX save DC 16 or fall 80 feet and take 28 dmg. The program requires the customer to have an Amazon account and a streaming device or TV. The Tiger Tribe will attackt he group (see pg 216). They plan to go to Angajuk's Bell (pg 114) to try to poison the whale. C11. Its an absolutely brutal situation. It is created out of pieces of the substance Chardalyn, the substance's demonic properties carrying on to the creature and rendering it a malevolent force. In the first part, waves of duergar (use D&D Beyond's Encounters tool to create medium-difficulty encounters using the new duergar stat blocks in appendix C of Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden) harry the characters as they chase their flying foe throughout Bryn Shander. Names: Stones, Even Keel, the River's Mouth, the Grumpy Moose, and the Black-Bearded Brother. Main Gate: The boxed text indicates there are 4 goblins on top, but then below that it says there are 6 total. Into the Glacier: The passage is 100 feet tall, 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep. Weird Insights: These 4 nothics (MM pg 236) aren't hostile. (Inn/Speaker's Home) The Luskan Arms: Rat-infested inn. Whoever drinks the potion gains the ability to use the minor illusion (PH pg 260) cantrip at will. If Auril goes to Ythryn, she brings along 3. the appliance provides additional importance to originals and new TV shows than to documentaries and, Disney+ Hotstar is currently the most popular OTT service in India. An incredibly powerful foe, the dragon likes to tear foes apart with its jaws and claws, as well as knock down doors and other structures. You can also give him Legendary Resistances if you want, but with his condition immunities its probably overkill. I will highly recommend DR JOHN SOCO to anyone one out there who needs help whatsoever. Contact him via WhatsApp: +1 984 240 7211 or email: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . The first d20 is for the random wilderness encoutner table on pg 105. L3. That means that when the group gets to Dougan's Hole, the dragon just finished destroying Easthaven. Sneaking up close is a DC 9 Stealth check. Feather Dragon, Wyrmling. She knows the health and locations of all creatures on the island. A Chardalyn Dragon is a magical dragon construct from Dungeons & Dragons. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This incident involved a goliath youth who was injured by a griffon (that youth grew up to become Chieftan Ogolai Orcsplitter Thuunlakalaka, as described on pages 168-169). X28. Attuning to it causes indefinite madness (roll on the table on DMG pg 260). Our entire team is available to help, Disney+ Hotstar is currently the most popular OTT service in India.Disney+ is a subscription-based streaming video service owned by Disney thats similar to Netflix, Apple TV+, and Amazon Prime, Roku Streaming players are an increasingly advantageous and financially savvy approach to sit in front of the TV. Y19M. Cargo Hold: The flesh golem will attack. Having no food, the shaman has convinced King Gunvald to select 4 elder members of the tribe to kill and eat. The Knock Spell: Just want to mention that the spell knock (PH pg 254) comes in handy over and over again in this adventure. VernonBrahg (commoner MM pg 344) is the owner and chef. The lfie and times of this giant are detailed in are H30. The villagers won't be happy if any verbeegs are left alive. Entrance Corridor: Sneaking requires a Stealth check DC 15. Its goal is to annihilate Ten-Towns, and the demonic influence of its chardalyn body makes it a sadistic, predatory monster. Getting through the door Athletics check DC 22.
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